Unlock Your Astro Identity with Your Sun Sign

If you're just getting into astrology, you might be confused by all the terms out there—like, what's the difference between a zodiac sign, star sign, Sun sign, and just "your sign"? Well, those terms all mean the same thing—they indicate the zodiac sign the Sun was in when you were born, which holds the key to unlocking your identity.

What Is my Sun Sign?

Astrology is an ancient yet wildly popular tool in the modern era for self-discovery and insight into how the cosmos impacts our lives. At the core of your astrological birth chart lies the Sun sign, also known as your zodiac sign. When we dive into discussions about your zodiac sign, we're simply illuminating the placement of that radiant Sun when you made your dazzling entrance into this world.

Essentially, your Sun sign refers to the position the Sun was in on the date of your birth. Quick example: If someone was born on September 28, that makes them a Libra Sun. This represents your identity, ego, and the fundamental traits that define you. Additionally, your Sun sign reflects your basic identity, self-expression, and the qualities you naturally radiate to the world. It serves as a blueprint for understanding your individuality, core motivations, and the general energies that resonate with you.

What's the Difference Between my Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign?

While your Sun sign is super important, it's only the start of your cosmic adventure, darling. We’ve got your Moon and Rising signs entering the chat! Your Moon sign—aka which zodiac sign the Moon was in when you were born—represents your emotions, nurturing instincts, and internal nature. It also is linked to the energy of the mother and your home environment. It also reveals how you react to situations and seek emotional security.

Your Rising sign, also known as your Ascendant, shows the way you present yourself to the world and how others perceive you. It influences your outward behavior, appearance, and the first impression you make on others. It’s not a planetary body like the Moon and Sun; instead, it’s a calculation of the zodiac sign that was on the eastern horizon the exact time of your birth. Yes, you will need that accurate birth time for this one! Together, these three key components—Sun, Moon, and Rising—form a dynamic trio that paints the astrological picture of your personality, emotions, and outer persona. They're sometimes called your "Big Three."

What If I Was Born on a Cusp?

Were you born on the edge between two zodiac signs? You might believe that is the reason why you have a blend of both Sun signs in your personality. But contrary to popular belief, my darling, in astrology, cusps do not exist. Each zodiac sign occupies a specific range of dates, and your Sun falls within one sign or another. The reason why you may resonate with certain traits from neighboring signs is because of the influence of other planets in your birth chart. So if you’re an Aries sun, you might have Mercury or Venus in Pisces adding some emotional depth to your fiery persona. For a more accurate understanding of your astrological profile, considering your complete birth chart is recommended. Adding your birth time in addition to birth date and location in a birth chart calculator will identify which zodiac sign you officially are.

The 12 Sun Signs

Determining your Sun sign is relatively easy. If you know your birth date, simply refer to the list below. One caveat: If you were born near the start or end of the range of dates for your zodiac sign, double-check your Sun sign with a birth chart calculator. The exact cutoff date can vary slightly from year to year.


Dates: March 21-April 19

Element: Fire

Keywords: Courageous, active, passionate, leader


Dates: April 20-May 20

Element: Earth

Keywords: Patient, reliable, sensual, determined


Dates: May 21-June 20

Element: Air

Keywords: Versatile, curious, sociable, vocal


Dates: June 21-July 22

Element: Water

Keywords: Nurturing, intuitive, sensitive, empathetic


Dates: July 23-August 22

Element: Fire

Keywords: Confident, charismatic, generous, dramatic


Dates: August 23-September 22

Element: Earth

Keywords: Analytical, practical, meticulous, humble


Dates: September 23-October 22

Element: Air

Keywords: Harmonious, diplomatic, cooperative, social


Dates: October 23-November 21

Element: Water

Keywords: Intense, passionate, perceptive, secretive


Dates: November 22-December 21

Element: Fire

Keywords: Adventurous, optimistic, philosophical, independent


Dates: December 22-January 19

Element: Earth

Keywords: Ambitious, disciplined, responsible, practical


Dates: January 20-February 18

Element: Air

Keywords: Intellectual, unconventional, visionary, humanitarian


Dates: February 19-March 20

Element: Water

Keywords: Compassionate, imaginative, intuitive, sensitive

Beyond Your Sun Sign: Your Birth Chart

Ready to take your astro wisdom to the next level, babe? There are a ton of easy to use birth chart calculators online such as AstroSeek and Café Astrology. These platforms offer all of the juicy deets on the cosmic mysteries that influence your life. You also can dive even deeper (and have that personal touch) with your fave astrologer by booking a personal reading. They will take you on the cosmic journey you won’t forget.

Before you can live your best cosmic life, you’ve got to build a strong foundation, and it all starts with your Sun sign. Embrace who you are and live your best life by understanding your Sun sign first. Through exploring your birth chart, you will trigger a transformative journey of self-awareness and empowerment. It’s time to own your cosmic runway like the star you are!

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