University campus food to go vegan-only

Students at Lancaster University have voted for all food served on campus to be plant-based.

The Students' Union is supporting a gradual transition to 100% vegan menus, with a target of 50% by 2025, and full implementation by 2027.

One campaigner, Victoria Simpson, said: "Lancaster University has a goal of net zero by 2035, and... implementing a plant-based catering system... absolutely aligns with their goals."

The Countryside Alliance said too few students had been involved in the decision.

Universities including Stirling, Warwick and Newcastle have also voted to go plant-based [BBC]

Professor Rebecca Willis, professor in energy and climate governance, said: "Reducing consumption of meat and dairy products is a crucial step in meeting our climate and health targets.

"I’m really pleased that Lancaster’s students are asking our university to lead the way on this vital issue."

But the Countryside Alliance, which champions British farming, said as only 18 out of 19 members of the student union voted in support of the motion it was an "attack on freedom of choice" against the majority of students.

Spokeswoman Sabina Roberts said: "It seems preposterous that a minority group of students could take a decision so complex and personal – an individual’s dietary choices – and force it onto the wider student body.

"This decision absolutely should have been put to a student vote."

The vote followed Animal Rising's Plant-based Universities campaign, which is pushing for more sustainable catering in higher education.

Universities including Stirling, Warwick and Newcastle have also voted to go plant-based, but Edinburgh rejected the plan.

The University of Lancaster has been approached for comment.

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