Under the Bridge: Kai Lenny and Jamie O'Brien Go Foil Surfing in San Francisco

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Between the two of them, Jamie O'Brien and Kai Lenny have surfed some of the best waves in the world.

While Lenny's known for his superhuman abilities charging monstrous waves at Jaws, O'Brien's one of the most skilled Pipeline tube riders.

So when your job is all about surfing gnarly waves regularly, what do you do for fun? That's simple. Just go kite foiling around a world-famous bridge of course.

Last week, O'Brien was Lenny's wingman as he foiled alongside a huge barge in San Francisco. Yesterday, Lenny released more footage of the trip above and captioned it:

"Trolling Jamie O'Brien on a Foil board under the Golden Gate bridge with my kite.

"Jamie wanted to go on a tour of the Golden Gate Bridge and I told him we should go Kite Foiling underneath it. Little did he know I was in fact fishing and using him as bait."

The edit opens with Lenny giving O'Brien some tips on kite surfing with a group of people by the bridge.

Eventually, O'Brien tells viewers the plan.

"Kai's setting up the foil boards so he's setting one up for me. He's got one for himself and he's gonna be flying this massive Red Bull kite. We're planning on going under the San Francisco bridge. We're gonna be flying around the water, it's gonna be an absolutely amazing time. I've never really done anything like this and he's saying we're gonna be going really fast."

Press play above to watch these two legends go "really fast."

O'Brien spoke up in the video's comments: "That was so fun Kai! Thanks for the lessons hahaha"


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