Um, Wow: The Queen Wears SEVEN Different Outfits On Christmas Day

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Delish

  • Queen Elizabeth's dresser shares that the Queen might wear up to seven outfits a day during Christmas.

  • Her "ladies' maids" also choose their holiday outfits based on what the Queen is wearing.

While most of us are just trying to get through the holidays without murdering our family, Queen Elizabeth is out here doing the most and not only celebrating with her extended fam at Sandringham, but also going through up to SEVEN outfit changes a day during Christmas. The dedication!

In an excerpt from her dresser Angela Kelly's book, The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, The Dresser and the Wardrobe, Angela writes (via People) that during Christmas, "The Queen is just as busy as she would be in London, with more guests to entertain. There may be several outfit changes in one day — it could be as many as five or even up to seven.”

It only gets more extra from there! The Queen doesn't choose her holiday looks by looking through her closet like a plebeian—instead, Angela lays out "sketches of evening dresses for the Queen to look through and choose what she would like to wear that evening."

And sorry, I'm not done yet, cause once Queen E looks through said sketches and decides what she wants to wear, everyone else is informed and acts accordingly. Angela writes:

Once Her Majesty has chosen her dress for dinner, a handwritten notice is pinned up in the Dressers’ Corridor detailing what she will be wearing, so that the Queen’s ladies’ maids can select an appropriate dress for the lady they are looking after.

Cool cool cool, this all sounds very normal! Now excuse me while I attempt to plan a second holiday outfit...

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