Um Ok, Demi Lovato Just Posted the *Hottest* Swimsuit Pic I’ve Ever Seen

Um Ok, Demi Lovato Just Posted the *Hottest* Swimsuit Pic I’ve Ever Seen

From Seventeen

ATTENTION: #Hotgirlsummer will be proceeding, as scheduled, with or without coronavirus. Please continue to utilize social distancing practices, when creating your Hot Girl content. This has been a public service announcement from the Instagram of Demi Lovato.

Yep, Demi has uploaded her first swimsuit pic of the season and ya girl looks just as good as ever. The singer has "discovered the self-timer feature for taking pics" (bless) and did a full photo shoot in her jacuzzi. As a direct result, her comments are now just a bunch of fire emojis.

Last September, the singer shared that she's done being ashamed of her body and over-editing her bikini photos to fit society's impossible (and incorrect) standards of beauty.

"I'm just literally sooooo tired of being ashamed of my body, editing it (yes the other bikini pics were edited - and I hate that I did that but it’s the truth) so that others think I’m THEIR idea of what beautiful is, but it’s just not me," she wrote on Instagram. "This is what I got."

Here's hoping 2020 brings even more authentic bikini content.

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