Um, Jennifer Lawrence & Emma Stone Bonded Over Having the Same Stalker

We love a good meet-cute, but the origin story of how Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone became besties is downright frightening...with a side of funny.

In a recent interview, Lawrence and Stone opened up about their friendship and revealed that their “love story” didn’t unfold as any old ordinary romance does. In fact, the pair became friends only after they realized they had a mutual, er, friend in common.

Stone began, “Jennifer Lawrence and I both had the same stalker, John the Orchestra Guy.”

But he wasn’t the average stalker you’d find on Tinder. The La La Land star continued, “He would text us both and say things like ‘I’m running late on my way to the soundstage. Can you warm up the orchestra for me? Text me back and let me know you got this.’ He wasn’t really a stalker. He must have worked at a studio or something, because he had a lot of people’s numbers.”

So when it came time for Lawrence and Stone to meet, they ended up bonding over their mutual fear of John the Orchestra Guy, and the rest is history.

Stone added, “As she was driving to my house, she thought, ‘Oh, my God, what if it’s John the Orchestra Guy?’ And I thought, ‘Oh, my God, what if it’s John the Orchestra Guy?’ So Jen calls me and says, ‘I just want to make sure you’re not John the Orchestra Guy.’ I wasn’t. And we met. It’s our adorable love story." 

Love at first sight stalk.

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