Are Ultrasounds Safe for Babies During Pregnancy?

They're a routine part of prenatal care, but are ultrasounds safe for a developing baby? Our experts put your mind at ease.

Medically reviewed by Lulu Zhao, M.D.

You're probably expecting an ultrasound sometime in your pregnancy, but you may have also wondered if ultrasounds are safe. After all, there's a long list of things, from certain foods to skincare ingredients you're told to avoid when you're pregnant—it's natural to be cautious.

Fortunately, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) states that no links have yet been found between ultrasounds and birth defects or other major issues. However, the ACOG also adds that this information may change in the future, as technology and the way we utilize ultrasounds in pregnancy evolve.

"No links have been found between ultrasound and birth defects, childhood cancer, or developmental problems later in life," the ACOG explains. "However, it is possible that effects could be identified in the future. For this reason, it is recommended that ultrasound exams be performed only for medical reasons by qualified healthcare professionals. Casual use of ultrasound during pregnancy should be avoided."

In other words, while medically necessary ultrasounds are considered perfectly safe during pregnancy, it's best to avoid non-medical ultrasounds. Here's what else expecting parents should know about the safety of ultrasounds during pregnancy.

Related: What To Expect at Your First Ultrasound During Pregnancy

How Do Ultrasounds Work?

To understand the safety of ultrasounds, it helps to learn how they work. Ultrasounds send sound waves through the body to get a glimpse at the fetus's tissues and organs. They’re especially useful for observing fetal development and they can detect abnormalities in the womb—including some that can be addressed before your baby is born.

"There is a much higher likelihood that birth defects of all types will be identified by ultrasound," says Bart Putterman, MD, an OB-GYN at Texas Children's Pavilion for Women in Houston.

Ultrasounds during pregnancy can be done transvaginally, using a special wand that is inserted through the vagina, or through the abdominal walls. During the 15- to 30-minute procedure, the sonographer (someone trained to do ultrasounds) uses gel and a transducer (the wand) that emits sound waves to create pictures of your baby on the screen. The waves bounce off of different structures in your body, like tissue, bones, and fluid, to produce an image the sonographer and doctor can interpret.

Ultrasounds were first introduced in the 1950s and since then, have undergone more advancements that are used to detect potential problems with a developing baby, as well as the structure and features of reproductive organs during pregnancy.

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Are Ultrasounds Safe for Babies?

Overall, ultrasounds during pregnancy are considered very safe. According to both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the ACOG, there’s no evidence that ultrasounds harm a developing fetus. Ultrasound exams don’t use radiation or X-rays, two things that can carry a small risk to the baby during pregnancy.

However, some doctors also caution that especially when used inappropriately, an ultrasound exam shouldn't be considered 100% risk-free. The main concern is that energy from ultrasound waves heats up the tissues in your growing baby and this might somehow affect those tissues down the road.

"ACOG makes it very clear that the energy delivered to the fetus cannot be assumed to be completely safe," says Michele Hakakha, MD, an OB-GYN in Beverly Hills and author of Expecting 411. "The possibility exists that some ill effects may occur when ultrasound is used inappropriately."

So how many ultrasounds are safe during pregnancy? There’s no clear answer, but most experts agree that medically necessary ultrasounds are nothing to worry about. But that also means that you should skip any non-medical ultrasounds, such as those from companies that offer "sneak peaks" or advertise finding out your baby's sex.

Additionally, getting an ultrasound that's not ordered by your doctor could lead to other potential consequences, such as a misinterpretation of what the ultrasound shows or even missed information. It's always best to stick to only medically necessary ultrasounds done by a trained professional.

Related: Pregnancy Ultrasounds Week by Week

What About 3D and 4D Ultrasounds?

If you're hoping for a 3D or 4D ultrasound to get a better look at your baby, many doctors use 3D ultrasounds to provide pictures of the baby with clear, photograph-quality details. Others have 4D ultrasounds with video capabilities, which let you see moving images of your baby in the womb. There are benefits to these types of exams; for example, high-quality imaging can help doctors better diagnose certain defects, says Dr. Hakakha.

Like their traditional two-dimensional counterparts, the FDA notes that 3D and 4D ultrasounds are considered safe, as long as they’re conducted by a certified professional based on medical recommendation. Parents shouldn’t get a 3D or 4D ultrasound to simply have a “better look” at their baby’s face, says Dr. Hakakha. They should also avoid commercial shops that offer “keepsake" 3D ultrasound images and 4D videos.

"Ultrasounds should be done only when medical information about pregnancy is needed, and should be done only at the lowest possible setting," says Dr. Hakakha. "Ultrasounds at the mall, administered by a technician of unknown training using a machine of unknown calibration and safety, done for an unknown duration of time in order to get a picture of a fetus' face, may be dangerous."

In fact, the FDA issued a special update urging consumers to avoid these fetal "keepsake" ultrasound images and videos, as well as heartbeat monitors.

Related: What Is a 3D Ultrasound?

The Bottom Line

"Ultrasound has been in use during pregnancy for the past 35 to 40 years, and it has an extremely good safety record," says Dr. Putterman, adding that there's no scientific data that indicates that ultrasound examinations are harmful to pregnant people or developing fetuses.

Still, experts recommend that you have ultrasounds only when medically necessary and only through a trained professional who can interpret the results with accuracy. Your technician should be schooled in obstetrical ultrasound, preferably at a center accredited by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.

Key Takeaway

Ultrasounds, including 3D and 4D ultrasounds, are considered safe during pregnancy. You can always talk to a healthcare provider about any concerns you have or discuss why they have ordered any ultrasounds during your pregnancy. Your pregnancy care provider is there to ensure the safety of both you and your baby, so it's perfectly acceptable to make sure all your concerns are addressed.

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