These Ultra-Modern Tiny Houses Are Made From Recycled Shipping Containers

Photo credit: Honomobo
Photo credit: Honomobo

From Men's Health

There’s a lot to be said for paring life down to the essentials. If you’ve ever lived in a cramped shoebox apartment you probably discovered there are actually benefits to a simplified lifestyle: you can’t fill your space with more than you need, forcing you to allocate your funds and energy wisely, on the things you really treasure.

Tiny home living is all about embracing that mindful attitude and applying it to a house in the location of your choice, in the midst of the great outdoors, or even in your average All-American suburb where 20 years ago you would have been more likely to construct a McMansion.

One of the factors drawing so many people to tiny homes now is that foregoing tons of space doesn’t mean you have to skimp on incredible design. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Honomobo is a Canadian company behind a series of sleek, utilitarian tiny and small homes crafted from recycled shipping containers.

Light-filled, courtesy of walls of windows, modern and streamlined, the homes are available in a series of prefabricated configurations to relieve buyers of the work and decision fatigue that comes with constructing a new home from scratch.

A two-bedroom, one-bath 640 square feet model comes with in-suite laundry, a spacious living area, full kitchen and optional gas- or wood-burning fireplace—in other words, a major upgrade to your first apartment.

Photo credit: Honomobo
Photo credit: Honomobo

You can go bigger, combining shipping containers for a maximum four-bedroom, three-bath, 1,920 square feet home that will be the best looking crib in your neighborhood and require barely any work on your part—Honomobo prides itself on holding buyers’ hands throughout the permits and assembly process, with total construction time taking about three months, per the company’s website.

Each Honomobo is designed to be a functional single-family house, but they’re also ideal for use as a luxe vacation pad, a rental or AirBnB property, or guest house. One of the coolest iterations is placing it atop a concrete garage for use as an apartment.

The emphasis on glass and clean lines mean the structure seamlessly melds into its environment, whether urban or rural, blurring the line between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Honomobo can even help you build a solar-powered version, to live truly low-impact in its seriously chic digs.

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