UCI MTB World Series Announces 2024 Calender

Fans of mountain biking mark your calendars! The UCI MTB World Series has announced its 2024 schedule.

See the list of events and locations below.

This year’s UCI calendar, like most years, is very Europe-heavy. It makes sense. Most of the iconic tracks are on the European continent. Fans of the sport will be excited to see Fort William back on the map, an iconic venue.

One thing that is exciting about this year’s schedule is six new venues. There will be two rounds of Cross Country in Brazil after the World Cup went to the country in 2022.

Also for the first time, the World Cup will be visiting Bielsko Biala, Poland, and Crans Montana, Czechia for the first time. It will be cool to see what Eastern Europe has to offer the sport of mountain bike racing, traditionally hosted in Western Europe.

One glaring omission on the calendar is Whistler, BC. When the initial teaser calendar was released showing a non-European venue holding both a downhill and an enduro, many hopeful North Americans were hoping it might be Whistler. The new 1199 track was very popular for the Crankworx downhill and Whistler has a long history of hosting Enduro World Series races.

Unfortunately, it was not to be, and one of the non-European locations teased did not make the final cut. It is unfortunate that the iconic venue will not host the World Cup, but the calendar does look stacked with cool new venues. I for one can't wait.

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