Tyler Cameron Wants Matt James and Clare Crawley to “Have a Conversation” and “Put Things Into Perspective”

From Cosmopolitan

  • Tyler Cameron just spoke out about the drama between his best friend Matt James and future Bachelorette Clare Crawley.

  • Matt is set to be a contestant on Clare’s season, but Clare already called him out on Twitter for being in it for the “wrong reasons.”

Ah, Bachelor drama, aka the gift that keeps on giving while we’re all stuck at home and bored. Clare’s Bachelorette season may have been postponed, but that didn’t stop her from stirring things up when she subtweeted Tyler Cameron’s best friend/future Bachelorette contestant Matt James a few weeks ago. She called him out for being in it for the “wrong reasons” because he was already doing interviews and selling videos on Cameo. Matt responded by reiterating that he was only doing Cameo for charity, but still, it was messy!

And while we’re all waiting to see how the Clare/Matt dynamic will play out on TV, Tyler is out here talking about the drama. During an interview with E!, Tyler was asked if he thinks Matt and Clare are going to work out, and he responded:

Oh man. That one’s going to be an interesting one. Uh, there’s been some interesting things conversed over social media, but I hope they can have a conversation, put things into perspective with each other, and see where the cards fall.

So, if you ask me, it doesn’t seem like he’s too optimistic about Matt ending up with Clare! And just in case you’re wondering, despite the subtweet, it looks like Matt isn’t dropping out of Clare’s Bachelorette season. As of last week, Chris Harrison confirmed that he’s still a contestant, so get excited to watch the drama play out, people!

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