Two New Resorts Added To Ikon Pass In Pennsylvania

Today, September 28th, Alterra Mountain Company announced that it had added two new Pennsylvanian ski resorts to the Ikon Pass for this upcoming ski season: Camelback Resort and Blue Mountain Resort. Both resorts are located in the Poconos mountain range.

This winter, Ikon Pass holders will have seven days at each resort with no blackout dates. Ikon Base Pass holders will have five days at each resort, with select blackout dates.

Blue Mountain Resort, Pennsylvania, seen from the air.<p>Ikon Pass/Blue Mountain Resort</p>
Blue Mountain Resort, Pennsylvania, seen from the air.

Ikon Pass/Blue Mountain Resort

Blue Mountain Resort resort has the highest vertical of any resort in the Poconos. It boasts an impressive snowmaking network, allowing the resort to remain longer than any other in the region.

Camelback Mountain, in contrast, is all about size. At 166 acres, the resort is the largest in the Poconos.

With the addition of Camelback and Blue Mountain, the Ikon Pass now provides access to 58 destinations worldwide.

Including these resorts in Alterra's destination portfolio is a boon to New York and Pennsylvania Ikon Pass holders, providing more options for East Coast skiers looking to take advantage of their mega pass.

While Camelback and Blue Mountain becoming Ikon Pass resorts likely indicates some changes are coming to these Pennsylvania ski areas, it's still too early to say exactly what this development means for skiers in the Poconos. Stay tuned for Powder for more updates.

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