Two Rescued, One Believed Dead After Avalanche In Idaho

The Shoshone County Sheriff's Office has shared that it rescued two of three men caught in an avalanche near Steven's Peak, Idaho, that occured on Thursday, January 11th.

According to the Sheriff's Office, the third man is presumed dead.

On Thursday, just before 3 P.M., the Sheriff's office was notified of a possible avalanche fatality via a Garmin GPS alert.

The Sheriff's Office managed to communicate with two of the men through a GPS device to find their last known location before undergoing a targeted search.

The search was conducted alongside the United States Air Force, the Kootenai County Sheriff's Office, Silver Valley Search and Rescue, and the Silver Mountain Ski Patrol.

After retrieving two of the men, the Sheriff's Office learned that the third was likely dead at the site of the avalanche during a debrief with the involved parties.

Upon learning that the third man was likely dead, the Sheriff's Office concluded search efforts for the evening due to safety concerns, with plans to undergo a retrieval mission for the third man this morning, January 12th.

The Sheriff's Office hasn't released the names of those involved nor provided an update on the status of the third man.

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