Twitter is very not here for the rest of the Internet fawning over Robbie Tripp’s Instagram about loving his wife’s curves

Twitter is very not here for the rest of the Internet fawning over Robbie Tripp’s Instagram about loving his wife’s curves
Twitter is very not here for the rest of the Internet fawning over Robbie Tripp’s Instagram about loving his wife’s curves

Twitter tends to get enraged about a lot of things. This time, however, it’s for a pretty good reason. It started when writer Robbie Tripp posted on Instagram about how much he loves his wife, Sarah. If that was all that happened, it would be a nice enough post. But the issue that Twitter has is how people were talking about the post. E! Online wrote, “this couple is redefining relationship goals.” Buzzfeed also lauded the post, treating Tripp like the perfect male feminist. But now the internet is pushing back. Because being attracted to your wife shouldn’t be #RelationshipGoals. It should be the bare minimum.

Here’s Tripp’s Instagram.

And, in case you don’t want to read all that, here’s just a small bit:

“I love this woman and her curvy body. As a teenager, I was often teased by my friends for my attraction to girls on the thicker side, ones who were shorter and curvier, girls that the average (basic) bro might refer to as ‘chubby’ or even ‘fat.'”

Twitter’s reaction to Robbie Tripp’s Instagram points out why saying this is feminist is problematic.

Thinking that women shouldn’t adhere to specific body image rules is great. However, loving a “curvy woman” isn’t anyone deserves a gold star for. This type of thinking focuses on a male-centric fake struggle. Instead of narrowing in on the need for women to love themselves and see themselves as beautiful, it focuses on being teased for liking “larger women.” Not the terrible bullying that these women face throughout their lives.

We shouldn’t treat this as something progressive.

“A real woman is not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character. She’s real. She has beautiful stretch marks on her hips and cute little dimples on her booty”.

This tweet sums it up perfectly

It’s not “brave” to date a woman who has curves. It’s brave for a woman who has curves to exist as her true self despite all of the hate that society throws at her. Also, calling out some women, like “not a porn star or a bikini mannequin or a movie character” is super problematic.

Any person who identifies as a woman is a woman, no matter how they look. Punching down certain “types” of women to “raise” others up isn’t feminism, and we’re glad that people are calling out the articles that blindly praise people for it.

Also, it’s been pretty funny to watch Twitter have their fun with it. Just check out these tweets.

Regardless, we hope Sarah Tripp feels loved and respected by her husband — and we hope the internet starts setting higher standards for #RelationshipGoals.