Twitter users are putting their extra 140 characters to good use with these hilarious memes

Twitter users are putting their extra 140 characters to good use with these hilarious memes
Twitter users are putting their extra 140 characters to good use with these hilarious memes

Twitter’s got a new beta test rolling out. And most people aren’t too thrilled with the doubled character limit. Twitter is always trying to innovate, which is a feature of any tech company. Sometimes it goes great – and other times, not so great. But there are a few who have been blessed with the new character limit who are putting it to great use. Maybe Twitter users will end up coming around? Just for the sake of the jokes, perhaps!

We’ve got unique takes on the classic Ernest Hemingway short story. It’s supposed to have the most tragedy in the fewest words. “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” (Would Hemingway have been a Twitter star? With so few letters in a complete story, heck, maybe!) The new character limit makes this an exercise in classic literature irony. J. Robert, you’re good.

Any older millennial who grew up on AIM and forums know what this one’s about. TBH, we’d be on board to bring signatures back.

Anytime anyone wants to bring the Princess of Genovia into our Twitter streams, we’re here for it. Please continue, we need more Mia.

Anyone watched the Sofia Coppola film The Bling Ring lately? This is a quote from the IRL inspiration for the film, Alexis Neiers, in response to the Vanity Fair story that propelled her to fame. It’s just *chef’s kiss* perfect.

Witty writer Ira Madison III has maybe our favorite take on the new character limit.

In case you don’t know, he’s quoting the classic Tyra Banks from “America’s Next Top Model” in one of the shows most meme-worthy moments.

And here we’ve got the intro to “The Bee Movie,” quoted at length. There is nothing Twitter loves more than a Bee Movie joke – because it’s a movie about a woman who falls in love with a bee. The jokes write themselves.

So while, yeah, the idea of the new 280 character limit on Twitter might be a little exhausting…

There just might be some good to come out of it. Think of the possibilities, you guys. These Twitter stars know what we mean.