Twitter Thread of Glossier Dupes Goes Viral

More money for makeup!

Filling your cosmetic bag with the latest and greatest in beauty launches can often mean shelling out a little extra money. There's nothing wrong with splurging on your favorite products, but it's always fantastic when the Internet discovers a more affordable option, also known as a dupe. Duping is a common practice in the world of beauty, with bloggers discovering alternatives to Fenty Beauty and Kat Von D. And for the latest in drugstore dupes, a Twitter user has shared what she believes are solid alternates for some of Glossier’s best-loved products.

The user, named Erin, shared her list of dupes online, and has an option for just about every product in the Glossier line. (Though she identifies herself as a former brand ambassador, Glossier does not seem to be affiliated with her post.) Among her suggestions is a $1 replacement for the coveted Glossier Boy Brow and two $6 alternatives to the Glossier Super Serums.

For those who rely on the Glossier Soothing Face Mist, Erin suggests an alternative that will save you $12. She also recommends using Neutrogena's line of sunscreen if you can’t get your hands on the brand's Invisible Shield.

There's even a number of dupes available if you’re looking for an alternative to Glossier's recently released Solution. Among Erin’s suggestions are a $5 Salicylic Acid Solution from The Ordinary, a $4 Glow Tonic from Pixi Beast and a $6 Lactic Acid Solution, which she noted is good for sensitive skin.

Like all beauty products, it remains up to you to try these dupes out and see if they work for you.

Related: This Glossier Rep Created an Instagram Dedicated to Brown Skin

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