Twitter Is Fully ROASTING Kim Kardashian Over Kenny G

Photo credit: Twitter - Instagram
Photo credit: Twitter - Instagram

From Cosmopolitan

Yesterday, Kim Kardashian casually hopped online and revealed Kanye West's Valentine's Day gift: Kenny G! No, wait, lemme re-phrase: Kenny G, playing the saxophone, trapped in the middle of a room, surrounded by a bunch of precariously balanced single roses.

How did he get there? No one knows. How did he escape? Again, that remains a mystery. All we know is that a) Twitter had a lot of thoughts, and b) Kanye West was incredibly pleased with himself:

Photo credit: Instagram
Photo credit: Instagram

Here are the best tweets (starting with a gem from living legend Chrissy Teigen) about what is clearly the greatest thing that's happened thus far in 2019:

What a time to be alive.

Follow Mehera on Instagram.

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