Twitter Is Flipping TF Out Over *THAT* Gendry and Arya Scene on ‘Game of Thrones’

Photo credit: HBO
Photo credit: HBO

From Cosmopolitan

  • SPOILER ALERT: Game of Thrones just aired a super-thirsty pre-battle hookup between Arya and Gendry.

  • The internet is fully flipping out, and we’ve rounded up the most extra reactions, because naturally.

What would you do if you were about to be attacked by a bunch of undead zombies and you were biding your time lurking in a damp castle with your crush, a hunky blacksmith? Make out with him while you wait for death, amirite? Yeah, Arya is right there with you. Which brings us to (SPOILER ALERT) the thirsty hookup that went down during Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones. Please indulge me for a moment while I do this: 😱😱😱.

In case you’d like a quick breakdown of the scene, Arya is chilling out shooting arrows, as ya do, when Gendry pops up and presents her weapon, which is clearly an elaborate metaphor for his weapon, if you get my meaning. Then Arya does her version of foreplay, aka making poor Gendry super nervous and grilling him about how many women he’s slept with (answer: three). And then? Then she is basically like, “I refuse to die a virgin, let’s do it,” and fully kisses him. Thirst runs high. Clothes come off. Which of course takes forever because they’re wearing like twenty layers of leather. And frankly, the only thing that could cool things off is the cold, icy stare of the Night King, but honestly even he couldn’t harsh Arya and Gendry’s vibe. Also, for those of you feeling iffy:

Anyway, as you might expect, the internet is currently losing its shit, so let’s lose it along with them, shall we?

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