Twitter Couldn't Handle a 'Storm the Shelter' Event with Dogs Dressed as Aliens

Photo credit: OKC Animal Welfare - Facebook
Photo credit: OKC Animal Welfare - Facebook

From House Beautiful

In honor of the sensationalized Facebook event, “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” the Oklahoma City shelter OKC Animal Welfare held an event over the weekend to provide additional protection against UFOs. Called, “Storm the Shelter,” the Oklahoma organization dressed up doggies looking for homes as aliens with tinfoil hats—and honestly, we want to adopt them all.

“Come storm our shelter,” the Facebook post read. “We have great animals ready to protect you from the Area 51 aliens. Adoption isn’t that far out of this world!” Of course, Twitter fell in love with the event, thanks to Twitter user Erin, who helped boost the event's visibility with her tweet.

“This animal shelter is doing a ‘storm the shelter’ event and dressed their dogs up like aliens, and it’s too cute!!!” she wrote.

“I’m not crying, you are,” one person wrote. “14/10 would obtain all 3 alien protection dogs,” another added. “If anyone adopts one of these alien dogs and proves it, I will provide 6-months worth of dog food!” an individual offered.

Some were too emotional to write a response to the adoption event and shared endless crying GIFs instead, while others were inspired to dress up their own pets as aliens.

There were people who wished they could adopt a dog if only they lived in the state of Oklahoma and without thinking twice, people began planning a “ROADTRIPPP!!!

On Monday, OKC Welfare thanked everyone for the overwhelming support, donations, and yes, there were many adoptions, including the white fur baby above.

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