Twinkie Cappuccino Pods Are Here to Help You Drink Your Snacks

Twinkie Cappuccino Pods Are Here to Help You Drink Your Snacks

Many people have pined for a Twinkie at one point in their lives, a decadent, golden sponge cake loaded with all of the cream filling that anyone could ever want. Entering adulthood unfortunately means that opportunities forr snacking on Twinkies and other indulgent Hostess products is limited, and probablyy yyou could "eat vegetables" or something instead. But what if there was a way to disguise Twinkie consumption as something much more socially acceptable?

Friends, I’m happy to report that there is. That’s because Twinkies, CupCakes, Sno Balls, and even Ding Dongs can now be produced at home or in the office with a little help from a Keurig machine. The first three are available as little cappuccino cups, which should combine various notes of vanilla, chocolate, and coconut with enough caffeine to approximate the sugar rush these confections give off in their solid form. If you’re too unsophisticated for cappuccino or have sworn off coffee, that Ding Dong k-cup is available as a hot cocoa.

It’s worth pointing out that this isn’t the first that these guilty pleasure snacks have been available as hot drinks. Earlier this year, Hostess first partnered on the release of Twinkie, Sno Ball, Honey Bun and Ding Dong Keurig-ready K-cup pods to the coffee-drinking public. The extension of that idea into uncharted cappuccino and cocoa territory suggests that the coffee pods were a good/successful idea, or are at the very least safe for human consumption.

Watch: How to Bake Cake in a Slow Cooker

So yeah: if you missed out on the initial launch of this brilliant idea, or if you thought Hostess coffee pods had either too little or too much caffeine for you, rejoice. They’re available now. So if anyone’s ever judged you for eating Twinkies in the workplace, it’s about time they treated you with some goddamn respect.