Get Your TV Screens Crystal-Clear With These Easy Cleaning Tips

cleaning tv screen with microfiber cloth
How to Clean a TV ScreenGetty Images

As one of the larger stationary items in our homes, TVs do a really good job of gathering dust and smudges over time.

Sure, the dust makes sense, but where do those smudges come from? (It bewilders us, too.) The good news is that TV screens are fairly easy to clean, but there is a process to ensure you don’t damage your precious electronics.

Newer TVs such as OLEDs and those super-thin flat screens have very particular manufacturer instructions about cleanliness, while older tube TVs typically feature just glass screens and have straightforward cleaning practices.

In both cases, we’ve put together a no-nonsense guide to keeping your TV’s screen clean and clear, along with quick tips about keeping your remote control clean as well. Regular cleaning will not only protect your screen but potentially increase the longevity of your TV as a whole, too.

What to Know Before Cleaning Your TV

These days, most TVs are of the big-screen LCD/LED or OLED variety. These screens are super bright and super high-tech, which means excellent performance, but also potentially finicky maintenance.

As for other types of TVs, many of us still have prior-generation plasma TVs, and even those lovable tube TVs, but by and large, many buyers have upgraded to something more current.

Other general screen cleaning tips:

  • Never spray anything directly onto the screen. Always spray onto a cloth first. Spraying directly onto a TV screen may damage the screen as well as any adjacent cabinetry or electronics.

  • Always use a soft, lint-free cloth when cleaning. Especially with the LED/OLED screens, even a paper towel can scratch the screen surface.

  • For older tube TVs, those surfaces are primarily glass and can be cleaned with something like Windex (nothing stronger), applying the same sequence as you would for an iPad or glass phone screen.

Cleaning Backlit LED and OLED TV Screens

Don’t use harsh chemicals when cleaning your TV screens. These are delicate surfaces and anything beyond a simple 1:1 diluted white vinegar solution is largely too strong for the surface and could damage it.

You also want to make sure that you’ve dried the screen as much as possible before turning it back on. Better yet, go through your cleaning process of choice, then let the screen fully air-dry for at least another hour before turning the TV back on. A full drying sequence is another step towards peace of mind in protecting the TV’s interior should any moisture have found its way inside.

For regular cleaning, try to tackle a streak or smudge with the soft cloth as soon as it appears so it doesn’t have a chance to attract dust. If you find that a smudge is particularly stubborn, you can apply light pressure to try and work it away. Do not press hard, as significant pressure can damage the sensitive screen surface.

How to Clean a TV Remote

cleaning remote control with cloth
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As you probably know, a remote can pick up quite a bit of dirt and grime, especially in the small crevices between buttons. Cleaning a remote uses most of the same materials that your screen requires:

  • First, remove the batteries if your remote has them.

  • Use the same diluted vinegar solution on a damp cloth to wipe off the remote's exterior. You can apply light pressure for stuck-on stains.

  • Let the remote dry upside down for at least an hour to let moisture evaporate.

Items for TV Cleaning

The following are a few essential items to have on hand to help keep your TV and remote clean.

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