Turn Leftover Fried Rice into a Japanese Breakfast

Turn Leftover Fried Rice into a Japanese Breakfast

Pizza might be the most popular day-after leftover breakfast, but let’s give credit to the runner-up: Chinese takeout. If you’ve recently stocked your fridge with leftover fried rice, there’s no need to let that go to waste. Leftover rice deserves more praise for its versatility and ability to be transformed into the perfect egg breakfast omurice. This Japanese breakfast is an example of yōshoku, authentic cuisine transformed by Western influence, and all you have to do it wrap your leftover rice in a thin, crepe-like fried egg. The western-style fried rice omelet is commonly topped with ketchup, but if you prefer a punch of heat, we recommend Sriracha.Omurice 1 serving


3 tablespoons oil, divided
1 cup leftover fried rice
2 large eggs, whisked
Kosher salt to taste
Pepper to taste

Extra Crispy