Should You Try Cannabis Creams for Pain Relief?

What exactly is a CBD-infused topical cream? It's made by infusing cannabis flowers in oil, then blending the oil with other therapeutic herbs. And since it's not going into your bloodstream, there's no risk of getting high. How Does It Work? The theory is CBD could help regulate pain—by increasing your natural endocannabinoids, decreasing your inflammatory response, and desensitizing your pain receptors. CBD has the ability to limit the release of some proinflammatory signals, which can help with post-workout soreness. What Does Science Say? All of this has yet to be proven in scientific studies on humans. The other issue? Topical creams will treat a depth within 1 centimeter into the skin—muscle soreness is going to be deeper than that. Want to give it a shot? If your state has legalized both CBD and THC, look for a cream with 1:1 CBD to THC, as well as another cannabinoid BCP.