Try This 3-Move, 5-Minute Workout to Start Your Day

From Men's Health

Photo credit: Men's Health/Eric Rosati
Photo credit: Men's Health/Eric Rosati

How do you typically begin each day? Tons of guys just roll out of bed, throw on their clothes, and go out into the world without taking the time to take a deep breath. If you had a tough workout session the day before or if you've had a stressful week, that might mean that you start the day sore and tight, jumping right back into the ringer without giving yourself a chance to start on the right foot.

First off, slow down. You're probably trying to sleep in as much as you possibly can, but you might be better served if you start the day more deliberately. If you can afford to take a little extra time, it would be well spent doing this quick 3-move, 5-minute mobility session from trainer Charlee Atkins, C.S.C.S.

Atkins uses the routine as a time-efficient way to loosen up the hips, back, and core. All you need is a little room to spread out, a yoga mat, and uninterrupted focus on your breathing and movement. If you need a yoga mat for your room to implement the morning series, check out this option from our Backslash Fit brand.

Perform each movement for 10 reps on each side (when appropriate)

  • Hip Circles

  • Cat Cow

  • Bird Dog

When you run through the bird dog reps, make sure you're using the best form possible. Keep your movement intentional, with a major focus on squeezing your glutes and core muscles. That focus should extend to the other two exercises, as well—the whole point of the series is to press pause on your hectic schedule before the day begins.

Run through each move in the series for 10 deliberate reps on each side for hip circles and bird dogs and 10 reps for cat cow. If you feel like you need more work, start by slowing down even more, then add another round of the series. Want to learn more moves from Atkins? Check out our series full of her workout tips, Try Her Move.

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