Try this 100-year-old doughnut recipe that was created during World War I

For those of you who are interested in trying one of the original doughnut recipes, don’t worry. Recently, Lora Vogt, curator of education at the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Mo.. shared one with Fox News. Ingredients include 5 cups of flour, 5 tsp. of baking soda, 2 cups of sugar, . 1/4 tsp. of salt, 2 eggs, 1 tub of lard and 1 3/4 cups of milk. Mix the flour, baking soda, sugar, salt, eggs and milk in a bowl. Knead the dough, roll it and cut it into rings that are less than a quarter of an inch thick. Drop the rings into the hot lard. Turn the doughnuts several times until they are brown. Remove the doughnuts from the lard and get rid of the excess fat. Powder the doughnuts with sugar and let them cool