Trump Is Now Claiming That Queen Elizabeth Kept Him Waiting During Their Visit


In a move so petty it may cause even Regina George to cringe, President Donald Trump is now claiming that Queen Elizabeth, 92, kept him waiting during their meeting at Windsor Castle last month. Go ahead, lean into that heavy sigh. You earned it.

If you're thinking, "But the whole thing was videotaped, there's actual video footage of the queen standing in the July heat for 12 minutes—remember when she checked her watch and we all 'LOL'd?" we present to you the full transcript, per Politico:

“I landed and I’m on the ground and I’m waiting with the king’s and the queen’s guards ... I’m waiting. I was about 15 minutes early and I’m waiting with my wife and that’s fine. Hey, it’s the queen, right? We can wait. But I’m a little early.”

RELATED: Queen Elizabeth Checks Her Watch Waiting for Donald and Melania Trump to Arrive for Tea

Sure sounds like Trump.

Naturally, he blamed the media for reporting that he had been the one that was late. (As we reported, he was not, in fact, late, the Queen was early. The meeting did, however, run over by 17 minutes). But did he really need to invent a new story? Feels like a bit much.

All that said, Trump isn't holding a grudge against the 92-year-old monarch, who he called "incredible." As for why the meeting lasted so long, Trump says, "we got along."

We'll be monitoring the palace Twitter account for the Queen's official response, which we hope is simply this: