Trump mocks supporter's physique at New Hampshire rally: 'That guy's got a serious weight problem'

President Trump on Thursday mocked the physical appearance of a man who turned out to be one of his own supporters at a "Keep America Great" rally in New Hampshire.

While speaking to a crowd gathered at the Southern New Hampshire University Arena in Manchester, Trump was interrupted by a handful of protesters seated near the rafters.

As security escorted the disruptors out, a man near the group who was wearing a "Trump 2020" shirt began shaking his fist in a show of support for the president, the Associated Press reports.

During the commotion, however, it seems the president mistook his supporter for one of the protesters and began insulting him on his looks, calling out, "That guy's got a serious weight problem. Go home. Start exercising. Get him out of here, please."

"Got a bigger problem than I do, got a bigger problem than all of us," Trump added.

The broad-shouldered man in question was later identified as Frank Dawson, a former police officer, Navy veteran and avid Trump fan.

In a subsequent interview with Fox News, Dawson said he took the insults in stride and affirmed he is still in support of the president.

"I think he thought I was part of it but I wasn't — I was the good part of it," remarked Dawson. "Everything's good. I love the guy. He's the best thing that ever happened to this country."

Earlier this year, it was revealed during the presidential physical that Trump, weighing 243 pounds and standing at a height of 6'3", is technically obese, but still in "very good health."

Although Trump, a known fast-food lover, was asked to follow a special diet and exercise plan by his doctor, he admitted he had "not followed it religiously" prior to his 2019 weigh-in, according to Hogan Gidley, the principal deputy White House press secretary.

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