It's True: Costco Is Already Selling Gingerbread Houses

A gingerbread house and trees
A gingerbread house and trees - Mtreasure/Getty Images

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Bells are ringing, children are singing, snow is fall -- wait, that's right, it's 70-ish degrees in some parts of the country because it's the middle of October. We're weeks away from Halloween, but nevertheless, Christmas decorations are popping up all over the place -- well, one place at least. Costco has gotten the jump on the holiday season: Instagram user @costcobuys has revealed that the pre-built Gingerbread Chateau Cookie Kit has arrived at select Costcos around the U.S.

It appears that there are a few kits currently available. Commenters on the Instagram post discussed how their local Costco had a slightly different version of the kit that included a pre-built gingerbread house and gingerbread men cookies. While the Gingerbread Chateau is only available right now at limited locations, be assured that in pretty short order you can find pre-built cookie kits of one gingerbread domicile or another at your local Costco Warehouse.

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The Cookie Kit

A lit gingerbread house
A lit gingerbread house - Inarik/Getty Images

These cookie kits come assembled in their box, though will require additional assembly and decoration once out of the box. The kits also include icing and decorative candies, but feel free to go crazy and dress these houses up however you see fit. The Chateau, according to Instagram, is being sold for $15.99, and the price of other cookie kits is currently unknown. It would probably behoove you to check with your local store to see what kits are currently in stock, especially if you have your heart set on the Gingerbread Chateau specifically.

The mega warehouse retailer is commonly loaded for bear when it comes to holiday decor. Christmas trees are currently available in-store and online, as are animated outdoor decorations and lights. As the months creep closer to the holiday season, we can expect even more festive displays and Christmas cheer. In all fairness, you could conceivably buy your entire Christmas, from tree to presents, exclusively from Costco, so it's no surprise that they're getting the jump on holiday retail while the Thanksgiving turkey is still kicking.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.