Tristan Thompson Admitted to Cheating With Jordyn Woods When Khloé Kardashian Confronted Him

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson have reportedly broken up due to allegations that he cheated with Kylie Jenner's best friend, Jordyn Woods.

  • Sources claim that the Kardashians are "beyond angry and disgusted" by Jordyn's alleged betrayal, and they're cutting her off.

  • Khloé confronted Tristan about cheating with Jordyn, and he admitted to it.

More details have started to emerge about exactly how the latest installment in Tristan Thompson's cheating scandal went down. And it's not pretty. We already know that Tristan allegedly cheated on Khloé Kardashian with Kylie Jenner's BFF Jordyn Woods, but a new report from Us Weekly claims that Khloé went ahead and confronted him about it on Monday. Annnnnd Tristan confirmed it's true.

"Khloé was told by people who saw Tristan and Jordan making out and told Khloé, and Khloé confronted Tristan and he admitted it was true," a source tells Us, adding that "Khloé is completely done with him for good."

This news follows reports that the Kardashian family is "beyond angry and disgusted" with Jordyn, who has yet to comment on the allegations. Pretty sure they've been angry and disgusted with Tristan for months, so no updates on that front.

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