I Taste Tested The "Sleepy Girl Mocktail" Because So Many People Were Claiming It Helped Them Catch Some Major ZZZ's

Hello! I'm Shelby, and like all of us, I just wanna get some damn sleep.

person saying, i'm just so tired i'm really tired
person saying, i'm just so tired i'm really tired


My sleeping habits are kind of all over the place, tbh. I don't struggle to fall asleep, per se, but it can sometimes be tough for me to sleep through the night and get a really good, DEEP slumber. I usually wake up at least once around 3 or 4 a.m.

So, color me intrigued when I saw the Sleepy Girl Mocktail going around TikTok (my favorite place to find new hacks and recipes to try). The drink in question got super popular through wellness influencer Gracie Norton, who tried it and claimed that drinking it gave her "the best sleep of [her] life."


OUT LIKE A LIGHT mocktail 😮‍💨💤🍒 tart cherry juice + magnesium is the perfect combo for a full night of sleep! I had really vivid dreams too! I take magnesium every evening but tend to toss & turn during the night at the end of my luteal phase. thanks for the inspo @caleeshea 💫#easyrecipe #mocktails #mocktailrecipe #healthyrecipes #sleep #bettersleep

♬ Storytelling - Adriel

BUT after doing some digging, I found out that Gracie is not actually the creator of the OG Sleepy Girl Mocktail. From what I can tell, that title actually goes to wellness TikToker Calee Shea, who shared the recipe back in January.

Whatever its origin story, this little nightcap has been blowing up in the last few weeks, a quick search shows countless people trying it, and each video has thousands if not millions of views. So I decided to try it and see if it could actually change my sleep (and, possibly, my life).

woman saying, let's do it
woman saying, let's do it


The main three ingredients in the drink are pure tart cherry juice, magnesium powder (optional), and some Olipop soda to top it off and add a little fizz. It turns out, there's actually some reasoning behind why this combo may lead to a better snooze. Tart cherry juice naturally contains tryptophan and melatonin, which can both contribute to sleep. Magnesium has also been found to help with sleep because it can assist with feelings of relaxation.

With all that in mind, I headed to the grocery store and bought the ingredients, which weren't too expensive minus the magnesium powder (which was, like, $23!!!). But, I'm sure I'll be able to use it for other things (maybe more Sleepy Girl Mocktails!).

ingredients on a counter

The total cost of all the ingredients (before tax) was $29.47.

Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

Now, onto the tasting! About a half hour before bedtime, I added some ice to a wine glass so my drink would be nice and cold, and to help myself feel a little ~fancy~.

wine cup with ice

Also, please excuse the questionable lighting throughout this post — it was 9:30 at night!

Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

Next, I dropped in a teaspoon of magnesium powder. I decided to try one with a raspberry lemon flavor because I figured that might work well with the tart flavors of the cherry juice.

jar of magnesium
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

After that, I added about a cup of the tart cherry juice and mixed it with a spoon to try and dissolve the magnesium powder.

mixing the drink
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

And finally, the piece de resistance: some Olipop soda on top! I opted for lemon-lime, but any flavor you like would probably work!

adding the soda to the wine glass
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

Here's what the final product looked like. We love a simple lil' drank!

drink in a wine glass

Note: this is after I drank, like, half of it because I was too eager to try when I first finished making it.

Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

And with that, I settled into my my couch to rewatch Vanderpump Rules for the 58th time, sip my mocktail, and hopefully prepare for the best sleep of my life.

author with the drink
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

On my first sip, I only had one word: delicious. I've always been a sour candy type of girl, so the lip-puckering tartness of the cherry juice was right up my alley! And I LOVED the added fizziness from the soda. It made it feel luxurious, even on a Tuesday night. The drink as a whole kinda tasted like cherry cola, actually.

author drinking from the glass
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

The only problem was that I ended up making a much larger serving than I thought I would, so the carbonation made it a bit of a challenge to finish the whole drink. It's definitely something to sip slowly while you wind down.

glass on a table
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

Rest assured, I finished the whole thing. It got much sweeter the more I drank it, but it didn't get overly sweet, which I appreciated because I hate when that happens. And as I got down to the last 25% of the glass, I think I started to feel calmer??? Def could've just been placebo, but either way!

author drinking
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

A few minutes after finishing my inaugural Sleepy Girl Mocktail, some sleepy feelings started to creep in, so I decided to get ready for bed. Here's me under the covers, just minutes before turning off the light.

author under covers
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

I wish I could say that I fell asleep immediately, but I didn't. It was another 30 minutes before I finally drifted off, which could've been due to stress from other things in my life. Who knows! What I'll say is that when I was asleep, I had some SUPER vivid dreams, which I assumed meant I was deep in REM.

cartoon character sleeping and drooling
cartoon character sleeping and drooling


Alas, I did end up waking in the middle night, mostly because my cat wanted to play, but I was hoping the drink would knock me out hard enough to avoid that. I did manage to fall back asleep pretty quickly, though, and I had yet another weird dream up until my alarm went off at 6 a.m. (I'd scheduled an early pilates class).

person saying, wakey wakey let's go
person saying, wakey wakey let's go


Did I wake up feeling completely refreshed and ready to step on the reformer? No, but I never do for early workouts. HOWEVER, I did feel A LOT more well-rested than I usually do at 6 a.m., so I took that as a win and went to my class.

author selfie before gym class
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

After I got back, I checked the sleep stats picked up by my Apple Watch, which said that I got a little over seven hours of sleep, and about an hour and a half of REM. According to Harvard University, the average amount of REM is about 20-25% of total sleep time for adults, so I was within the healthy range! How much of that can be attributed to the drink...I can't be sure, but I know the sleep I did get during the night was VERY deep. It felt significantly deeper than the sleep I'd gotten the night before, sans mocktail.

  Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed/Apple
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed/Apple

I don't think I'll be drinking the Sleepy Girl Mocktail every night, but it's a great option if you're looking to chill out and would like to do that with something that's alcohol-free but still has lots of flavor. I just wouldn't recommend drinking it early in the morning or midday unless you're trying to take a nap, because sleepiness may ensue.

author with the almost empty drink
Shelby Heinrich/BuzzFeed

Would you try the sleepy girl mocktail? Tell me in the comments, and also share what soda/seltzer you'd use to top it off in the comments!