'I Tried Keto And The Carnivore Diet After A Catastrophic Back Injury—And I Lost 90 Pounds'

Photo credit: Nevada Gray
Photo credit: Nevada Gray

From Women's Health

My name is Nevada Gray (@thepaleopharmacist) and I'm a 42-year-old pharmacist and registered nurse living in Boston. A health emergency motivated me to try keto and a carnivore-style diet, and I lost 90 pounds.

I started to rapidly gain weight in my late teens and early 20s when I started struggling with hormonal issues that coincided with my menstrual cycle. I was noticing changes in how my body looked and felt, and I started to feel concerned that something more was wrong with my health.

I got my hormone levels tested and discovered that I had elevated DHEA and abnormal levels of androgens. Doctors diagnosed me with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a lifelong hormone disorder with no cure. In the 90s when this was happening in my life, I was hard-pressed to find much information on PCOS.

Determined to find a cure for PCOS and improve my health, I decided to shift my career path from the arts to medicine and science. In the early 2000s, I changed my degree track from graphic design to biochemistry and nursing with a plan to go to medical school. After working as a nurse in a neuroscience department, I went back to school to become a pharmacist, earning a doctor of pharmacy degree in 2010. I knew I was achieving so much academically, but I was losing myself health-wise.

I graduated in 2010 at my heaviest weight of over 220 pounds (at 5’4’’) and pre-diabetic. I wondered, how could I help my patients when I couldn't help myself?

After being told that I was on the verge of diabetes and seeing a diagnosis of obesity in my medical chart, I knew I needed to take drastic action.

I hired a personal trainer and spent a ton of time in the gym. I also started following a paleo diet after reading about it in fitness magazines. I would eat every few hours and meal prep like crazy.

In 2014, after barely seeing any results, I reduced my carbohydrate intake and lost 50 pounds (which was a struggle) over the next two years. But in order to maintain this weight of around 165 pounds, I had to keep up with two-a-day workouts, hours of cardio, and settling for never feeling satisfied in my hunger. Also, my PCOS symptoms and pre-diabetes still hadn't improved. Not sustainable.

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The Carnivore Diet by Dr Shawn Baker MD @shawnbaker1967 is scheduled to be released Nov 19th across the globe! What can we expect from this game changing book? A lot of Meaty conversation and for good reason! Dr. Baker starts his book sharing his personal journey of health, resilience and purpose, which made my respect for the man go up 1000 fold. The Carnivore Diet transitions nicely between chapters infused with historical context, science, clinical evidence, character studies & anecdata that will appeal to the common man & woman, as well the curious practitioner & scientist. Being a true 'Man of the People' Dr. Baker has spoken to thousands of people healing on various subsets of a carnivore diet, collecting data through surveys and amassing an inspiring collection of individual transformations on meatheals.com. Redefining what we consider health, Dr. Baker empowers his reader to seek the truth and delve deeper into what we have been socially conditioned to believe about nutrition. Dedicating several chapters to getting started, Dr. Baker does a great job addressing common questions and sets his reader up for success with a practical protocol, sample meal plan and modification options. The Carnivore Diet is like having a conversation with good friend, personable and highly relatable. Well Done my friend!!! I predict The Carnivore Diet will no doubt be a National Bestseller and one if not the "most" talked about book of 2020 and the years to come. Pre-order your copy today. Link @shawnbaker1967 bio and Swipe up in my story.

A post shared by Dr Nevada Gray PharmD, RN, CPT (@thepaleopharmacist) on Nov 5, 2019 at 1:26pm PST

Another major health curveball came my way—and it led me to the keto diet.

In January 2016, after suffering almost two years of unrelenting back pain, I herniated a disc at the bottom of my spine that resulted in a rare spinal cord injury called cauda equina syndrome (CES) that paralyzed me from the waist down. Fortunately, I was able to quickly get to a quality medical center the morning I woke up unable to move my lower half and was promptly diagnosed. I underwent emergency decompression surgery. Recovery was a long road and the greatest challenge I have ever faced.

Given that it's a rare diagnosis, CES doesn't have a ton of scientific literature on it, never mind a recovery protocol, so I tried to figure a lot out on my own. I dove deep into the medical literature and connected with functional medicine experts to try and learn ways, even unconventional ones, to manage my condition and recovery.

I started a strict ketogenic diet that included fasting after reading about the possible neuro-protective effects of being in ketosis in neurological/neurodegenerative conditions. A year and a half on a ketogenic diet, I noticed that I felt better eating primarily meat and animal fat.

I also discovered the work of carnivore diet advocates/experts Shawn Baker, MD, Georgia Ede, MD, and Amber O’Hearn, and I began a carnivore diet that consisted mostly of steak, eggs, bone broth, salmon and salmon roe, salt, animal fat, and black coffee. The standard American diet simply did not work for me. I also started drinking a gallon of water a day and made eight hours of solid daily restorative sleep part of my routine.

Here’s what I typically eat in a day now:

  • Breakfast: Black organic coffee blended with a tablespoon of ghee.

  • Main meal: Steak and eggs. Every other day I also have one cup of bone broth and I a piece of wild caught salmon or salmon roe in addition to my steak and eggs.

  • Dinner: My lunch is my main meal of the day.

In addition to my ketogenic-meets-carnivore diet, I worked with a physical therapist for two years after my surgery, who helped me get back into fitness.

My therapist helped me regain my strength, learn to walk with a normal gait, and correct muscle imbalances.

In an effort to empower myself and feel in control of my situation during my recovery, I earned a personal training certificate via the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), which not only provided a goal to work towards, but also empowered me in developing a solid fitness routine that helped correct my back issue. I also do fasted cardio.

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I decided on a career in medicine because I truly wanted to help people and I hoped to find the cure for my own health ailment PCOS during my studies. When the photo on the left was taken, I was a few weeks away from graduating pharmacy school, a hot 220 plus pound mess of metabolic dysfunction after implementing every medical guideline I learned in school to fix my problem. It was clearly working as PCOS continued to destroy my life. Fat, sick and exhausted I decided to take drastic action and hire a trainer and start a PALEO diet after being told I was pre-diabetic. I lost 50 lbs and was still miserable. Then my spinal cord injury happened, which in hindsight, has been the greatest blessing and hardest lesson of my life. Discovering and applying critical science about nutrition, mindset and ketosis healed me. The picture on the right was taken 2 weeks ago, as I am trying to get better at documenting my progress in pictures. It has now been a little over 2 years since I started a paleolithic ketogenic diet or carnivore diet and my health has never been better. My PCOS has been in remission for 2 years and I fully recovered from cauda equina syndrome. To date, I have lost 92 pounds over 5 years. The key points to a transformation and life re-invention is is takes lots of PATIENCE & Maintenance. Most of all embrace the journey and be kind to yourself along the way. #pcos #pcoswarrior

A post shared by Dr Nevada Gray PharmD, RN, CPT (@thepaleopharmacist) on Sep 10, 2019 at 12:18pm PDT

I have lost 90-plus pounds over five years and am in the best health of my life at 42.

Almost four years after my spinal cord injury and series of accidental discoveries along the way that evolved into my personal healing protocol, I have made a complete full recovery from cauda equina syndrome, and I've managed to get my PCOS symptoms under control and my pre-diabetes into remission. I'm not saying this would work for everyone dealing with PCOS or pre-diabetes, but this is my story and what worked for me.

The most important lesson I learned while on this journey is that I needed to listen to *my* body.

I believe your body will tell you what to do, and you know your body better than anyone else. I also realized that it's okay to look for answers outside of the standard health system. I felt empowered to arm myself with information from resources in science and medicine that I may not have expected before learning about my diagnoses.

A carnivore diet won't work for every single person out there, and you should talk to a doctor and/or dietitian that you trust and have your best interests in mind if you're unsure about your diet and read everything you can before you overhaul your own lifestyle. Find what works for you, and experiment with dietary changes safely.

Transformation takes time. My health and weight did not change overnight, and weight loss is not an overnight process. There are a lot of factors at play that can lead to ill health in addition to food, such as sleep, stress, and environmental toxins to name a few.

Empower yourself with information, listen to your body, and choose the strategy that works best for you and gets you the results you are happy with. And most importantly, make sure whatever system you land on has you feeling good physically and emotionally.

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When I was overweight, I could not imagine myself 92 pounds lighter. I remember looking at the cover models in Oxygen magazine and searching the articles for new meal prep ideas, recipes and workouts. I had to be missing a critical step because none of it worked for me. It frustrated me to see how little return I was getting on the massive investment I was making in my health with food and trainers. What was even more frustrating was being told by my primary doctor I had pre-diabetes and had to get my PCOS under control. The best way of course he said was to lose weight. How???? This is the question many women struggle with. I see it everyday in people trying to make better choices based on what they know. The tipping point in turning my health around was tackling it at the root, which in PCOS is insulin resistance. Learning to control my insulin levels through reducing carbohydrates, intuitive fasting, exercise and sleep, I was able to successfully put my PCOS in remission, lose 92 pounds with minimal loose skin and drastically change my body composition. Many people do not realize a carbohydrate is not an essential nutrient. For people who are extremely sensitive to carbs and plants like me a carnivore diet has been life changing. In my opinion, a ketogenic or carnivore diet is an excellent cost efficient, low side effect option for women with PCOS to manage metabolic markers like obesity, diabetes and infertility. What has your experience been?

A post shared by Dr Nevada Gray PharmD, RN, CPT (@thepaleopharmacist) on Jul 30, 2019 at 7:55am PDT

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