I Tried 'Hospital Corners' on My Bed, and I'm Never Going Back to Life Without Them

<p>Burak Karademir / Getty Images</p>

Burak Karademir / Getty Images

I first heard of the bed-making technique, 'hospital corners', on Instagram reels and I knew I had to give it a try myself. While this technique is currently blowing up across social media, it's certainly nothing new. As it turns out, this method of bed-making dates back to the 19th century at least, and you've probably encountered it many times at your favorite hotels, or yes, perhaps even the hospital.

What Are Hospital Corners?

Hospital corners (also called military corners) first originated sometime in the 19th century in the nursing profession. This was before fitted sheets existed, so using hospital corners helped to keep the flat sheets neatly tucked on all edges.

But this technique didn't go anywhere once the fitted sheet was invented. Now hospital corners are used for flat top sheets, blankets, or any other layer that needs to be tightly (and neatly) tucked into the bed. It's perfect for giving any bed that perfectly just-made look and it's regularly used in hospitality, medical establishments, and the military for a crisp, clean, and professional look.

Why It Makes a Difference

I'll be the first to admit that regular bed-making is not a habit that I have regularly established. When I did make my bed in the morning, I never put much thought into how the top sheet was tucked in. I simply stuffed the edges under the mattress and left it at that.

Ah, so naive.

The corners of my sheets were always wrinkled and the haphazard edges were always just a nudge away from popping out. When the top sheet is hidden under a duvet or comforter does it really matter though? After I tried the hospital corners method I can now definitively say that there is a difference.

How to Do Hospital Corners

For those who are new to this method like I was, let me walk you through how to fold hospital corners on your bed step by step so you can try it out for yourself.

  1. Lay a flat sheet on top of your bed so it is centered and there is an equal amount of excess on all sides.

  2. Tuck in the flat sheet at the end of the bed, lifting the mattress to fold the bottom edge underneath. Ensure the sheet is pulled snugly and evenly around the edge of the mattress.

  3. Grab one of the new corners at the bottom of the sheet (created by folding the sheet under the mattress in step two) and fold it upwards so that it lays over the top of the mattress, holding it in place as you smooth down the edges. This will create a triangular shape on top of the mattress with a flap that hangs straight down towards the floor.

  4. While holding this corner in place on the mattress, use your other hand to tuck the excess flap hanging towards the floor under your mattress, keeping the sheet taught the whole time.

  5. Take the corner that you've been holding on top of the mattress and fold it back down towards the floor, pulling it tight and tucking it in under the mattress. This will create a satisfying envelope-looking fold on the corner of your mattress.

  6. Repeat on the other bottom corner.

  7. Lastly, use your hands to smooth out as many wrinkles and creases as you can. Fold the top of the sheet as desired, or repeat the hospital corners technique on the top corners too if you are using a flat sheet in place of a fitted sheet.

Pretty simple right? I promise while reading (and writing) the instructions may make the process seem a bit complicated, it's very easy in practice and only adds a few extra minutes to your bed-making routine. Plus, the result is so satisfying. If you've ever dreamed of your bed sheets resembling a perfectly neat and folded envelope, this technique is for you.

While I loved using this technique on my own bed, I feel like this would be an especially good trick to have up your sleeve if you have guest bedrooms in your home—you know, to really wow your friends and family when they come to stay. Either way, this is one little trick that I certainly won't be forgetting. It's truly the secret to a perfectly made bed that I didn't even know I was missing.

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Read the original article on The Spruce.