I Tried the Hair Dryer Brush With a Cult Following, And It's Absolutely Worth the $51

Photo credit: Leah Groth
Photo credit: Leah Groth

From Prevention

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Considering I work and have two small children in the home, I have about zero time to get ready in the morning. Basically, if I get an opportunity to shower, I am totally winning. Therefore, when I come across any hacks to cut down the amount of time it takes to help me look presentable, I am totally eager to try them out.

A few months back, I noticed a particular hair tool making the rounds in all my online mom groups: the Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer. Mothers, with as little free time on their hands as me, were seriously obsessed with this round brush-meets-hairdryer gadget. And no, they were not getting paid to write posts about it, nor did they receive the product for free. They attested to its ability to transform their hair from haggard-looking to salon-worthy in just minutes. I would have thought they were making it up, but many of them posted before-and-after photos, which were pretty insane.

When I checked out the item on Amazon I was reassured by reviewers of its awesomeness, as it had amassed an average 4.3 star rating from over 2,000 reviewers. Considering I have spent hundreds of dollars on hair dryers and flat irons, its $50 price tag seemed pretty reasonable. So I ordered one to see for myself.

Bottom line: great investment.

In the months that I have been using it, I haven’t been disappointed. You know how when you go to the salon, and the stylist gives you a blowout using a round brush and a hairdryer? If you have ever tried to replicate the process at home, you already know that it's nearly impossible. Well, this tool is basically the same idea, but it makes it humanly possible to do it without the help of a professional. It's actually pretty foolproof, to be quite honest.

Sure, there have been round brush dryers in the past - but not like this. I remember being a little girl and using my mother's round brush hairdryer, only to get my hair stuck and tangled around it. That hasn't been my experience with Revlon's version.

As my hair doesn’t hold volume very well, I can't report bouncing curls a la Gisele Bundchen like many of the reviewers on Amazon, but it does get my hair straight and smooth in very little time. While many people choose to use it with wet hair, which may help in adding volume, I often opt to let my hair air dry first or rough-dry it with my regular hairdryer before using it. It seems to cut down time by a bit.

I totally recommend trying the Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer. It is a much cheaper alternative to getting weekly blowouts, and will save you a lot of time!

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