We Tried Dunkin's Beyond Sausage Breakfast Sandwich And It Tastes Exactly Like Real Meat

Photo credit: Delish
Photo credit: Delish

From Delish

I, an unabashed meat-eater, would typically have no business marching my ass up to the Dunkin' counter to request a Beyond Sausage Breakfast Sandwich. Why would I opt for plant-based when I've got zero qualms about the real thing? But as the dedicated Delish staffer that I am, I knew I owed it to the people (i.e. you!) to give this one a try.

In case you somehow missed the buzz, Dunkin' debuted its Beyond Meat partnership Wednesday, July 24 with a New York-based launch. So when Thursday morning rolled around, my growling stomach and I rolled up to a nearby location and proudly requested the vegan breakfast sandwich.

The cashier, outfitted in a green "BYND DNKN'" smiled with a sense of pride when I placed my order. A fellow employee offered up a sample of the sandwich while I waited, but I wanted my first bite to be more momentous, so I passed.


Photo credit: Delish
Photo credit: Delish

I ran back to the office, and ripped into the bag, retrieving my Beyond Sausage sandwich like treasure. I'm gonna level with you though, when I unwrapped it, my excitement sort of flatlined. It didn't look bad per se, just not great. The "meat" looked nearly identical to normal meat, but the sandwich as a whole looked a little meh.

Photo credit: Delish
Photo credit: Delish

After taking approximately 135 photos (because ~content~) I went in for my first bite. And here's where I eat my words, because my first bite quickly turned into a two, then three, four, and then there were no bites left to take. Could Dunkin' have possibly misheard my order? THIS WAS REAL SAUSAGE, right? It had to be!!! But spoiler alert, guys, it wasn't. Beyond Meat, and more specifically the Beyond Sausage Breakfast Sandwich, is just that good. The taste, the texture—it was all so good.

Will I be giving up meat completely to live a life of plant-based eating? Absolutely not. But will I order the Dunkin' sandwich again? Absolutely YAS.

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