I Tried Re-Creating The Recipes Disney Keeps Posting And Here's How It Went

From Delish

You are well aware by now, I'm sure, that my beloved hobby of eating my way through theme parks is currently on hold. And while this is a huge problem (...that's a joke—I am very lucky to be safe and well and I hope all you are too and that is all that matters!!), I've found no shortage of ways to bring the theme park to me since quarantine began. The most recent of which? Trying my hand at making some of those incredible, iconic, delicious, and perfect treats Disney has been posting recipes of over the past few weeks.

Though the Disney Parks Blog (and other fan sites) have put up a ton of classics, I decided to hit three legendary snacks on my first go: the Dole Whip, churros, and that grilled cheese from Woody's Lunch Box. All of these recipes had minimal, mostly easily accessible ingredients, and should yield treats I knew I loved. What could go wrong?

...Everything! Not because of Disney's recipes of course. The write-ups are truly succinct, easy-to-read, and can be classified as "simple" for just about any home cook. I am just a hot mess who misses theme parks and gets flustered while cooking on camera, apparently, and so it was a disaster.

That said, my messily blended Dole Whip was creamy and light. My grilled cheese sandwich was crunchy, cheesy, and soul-warming. As for my lil churro nuggets? They were sugar-coated bites that took me right back to Main Street.

So! Watch it all come together above. And, uh, best of luck to you! And me! Best of luck to all of us.

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