I Tried Coca-Cola's Two Newest Flavors—Here Are My Unfiltered Thoughts

a person drinking from a can
Coca-Cola Releases Two New FlavorsGabby Romero

There have been many variations of classic Coca-Cola. From beloved renditions like cherry and vanilla to limited-edition offerings like Georgia Peach, it seems like their signature cola flavor pairs well with just about anything. And now, for the first time in three years, the brand is introducing a new permanent addition to their lineup.

Starting February 19, shoppers can get their hands on Coca-Cola Spiced, which fuses the flavor we know and love with notes of raspberry and warm spices. Representatives from the brand believe that it’s their “boldest tasting brand innovation yet.”

The company is sweetening the deal by also introducing a new offering in their Coca-Cola Creations series. Some of the previous flavors are based on surreal and abstract concepts like Starlight and Dreamworld. But this new flavor is something you may be familiar with: crying.

That’s right, Coca-Cola is launching Happy Tears, a sugar-free soda that “draws inspiration from the simplicity of happy tears—a small, clear droplet filled with optimism and joy that’s created from the smallest acts of kindness.”

Naturally, they’re rolling out this new flavor on Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17. People who want to experience the joy can buy it exclusively through TikTok while supplies last.

But what does raspberry spiced Coca-Cola taste like? How do happy tears translate into a soda? I had the opportunity to taste Coca-Cola’s newest flavors ahead of the launch.

Coca-Cola Spiced

a hand holding a red can
Gabby Romero

I’ll admit that I was initially hesitant about how cola would pair with raspberry and warm spices. But Coca-Cola Spiced tasted far better than I could have expected. The Coca-Cola team focused on maintaining their product’s commitment to being delicious and refreshing when developing this new flavor—and it shows.

The primary flavor that comes through is the raspberry, and it eventually transitions to a cinnamon-forward spice. The warmth is present, but not overwhelmingly so. And with the way the flavor develops after each sip, the fruit and spice somehow don’t compete with each other.

Coca-Cola Spiced also evokes some sort of nostalgia, but I can’t quite put my finger on what it is. But what I do know for sure is that I’m excited to keep drinking more of it.

Coca-Cola Creations: Happy Tears

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Gabby Romero

I need to make an important disclosure before giving my thoughts on this flavor: I don’t exactly love sugar-free soda. No shade to loyal Diet Coke drinkers, but I personally prefer the taste of cane sugar and corn syrup. But the newest offering in the Coca-Cola Creations line is exclusively Zero Sugar, so I put my qualms aside to give it a fair review.

Aspartame flavor aside, I cannot describe the taste of Happy Tears. It’s slightly floral, vaguely fruity, and entirely unique. Drinking it is sort of like eating a mystery-flavored Dum Dum lollipop—you spend the entire time trying to figure out what it is.

I wouldn’t say that Happy Tears would be my go-to flavor, but it’s definitely worth trying to taste it for yourself.

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