I Tried Botox to Treat My Embarrassing Hyperhidrosis; Here Are my Thoughts

Thanks to my dad (and well, genetics in general, I guess) I’ve suffered from excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) since I was a child. My palms are sweaty and cold about 80 percent of the time — regardless of the climate I’m in. Of course, as someone who also deals with Generalized Anxiety and Panic Disorder, this neurological condition is further exacerbated in times of stress or when my hormones are out of whack.

Sometimes, my palms are just a tad clammy, and other times, they’re legitimately drenched. Over the years, I’ve kind of learned to get over stressing about what the other person thinks is wrong with me (it is what it is, right?) But let’s be honest here:...

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