I Tried 4 Fast Food Fountain Cokes to Find Out Which One Is Actually the Best

Yes, there is a big difference.

<p>Sara Haas</p>

Sara Haas

We’ve all heard that McDonald’s fountain Coke is the best version out there, but is that really true? There are many theories about why McDonald’s Coke supposedly tastes better—the ingredients are chilled before they’re mixed, the syrup is delivered in steel containers instead of bags, and its syrup-to-water ratio is higher, to name a few. But how different can the same soda at different restaurants really be? It seems like it wouldn’t be in the best interest to change up the flavor of one of the most beloved drinks in America; customers want that consistency.

Admittedly, I’ve always been a skeptic; I assumed the perceived difference in Coke flavor across our favorite drive-thru restaurants was all because of the power of suggestion. If you believe McDonald’s Coke is better, it probably will be. So I had to test this once and for all. I went to the four most popular fast-food chains in my area and ordered a Coke. I came home and tasted them blind to get the most unbiased results.

The Best Fast Food Coca-Cola, Ranked

4th Place: Burger King (2/10)

<p>Sara Haas</p>

Sara Haas

This Coke from Burger King was a watery mess. If I didn’t fill up the cup myself, I would guess it wasn’t Coca-Cola at all but some off-brand variety. It somehow simultaneously tasted flat and like the bubbles were too big. It wasn’t over-carbonated, but instead of being pleasantly fizzy, it felt like there were a lot fewer bubbles, and each one was bigger and had a more aggressive pop. The flavor was diluted and didn’t have any of the depth I come to expect from Coke.

3rd Place: Shake Shack (6/10)

<p>Sara Haas</p>

Sara Haas

A sip of this Coke had me wondering if Shake Shack had read the same articles I had about McDonald’s using extra syrup in their pop because this Coke felt way too syrupy. It felt adequately fizzy and bubbly but was too sweet, and the consistency was all wrong. Weirdly, it felt thicker in my mouth, and I think that’s because the syrup-to-water ratio was off. I think it’s also important to mention that this fountain drink was priced at almost twice as much as the other Cokes on this list for the same size product. We'll stick to the winning milkshake here next time.

2nd Place: Wendy’s (9/10)

<p>Sara Haas</p>

Sara Haas

It was an incredibly close decision between Wendy’s and McDonald's for the best fountain Coca-Cola on this list. The only thing keeping Wendy's from tying for first place or even clinching the top spot was its bubbles. It was extremely fizzy, and with each sip, it felt like it foamed up in the straw the way Coke does when you pour it. It was very sweet, and with this one, I felt like I could taste the most dynamic flavors in the Coke. The robust flavor was actually better than McDonald’s, but the extreme carbonation was off-putting and tickled my nose with each sip.

1st Place Winner: McDonald’s (10/10)

<p>Sara Haas</p>

Sara Haas

To my incredible surprise, McDonald’s was actually the best. I had a second taste after the blind sip, and I still preferred McDonald’s. The flavor was what you’d expect from Coke, but it felt more balanced than other fountain sodas in the test and that I’ve had before. I felt like it had the best ratio of syrup to water. I kept this Coca-Cola around after the taste test to continue to sip on while I worked on this article, and as the ice melted, it still tasted delicious. Some of the other versions tasted watered down by the melting ice almost immediately, and this Coke held up significantly longer.

The Bottom Line

What I’d buy again: McDonald’s, Wendy’s

What I’d drink at a friend’s house: Shake Shack

What I’ll avoid: Burger King

Read the original article on All Recipes.