I Tried 14 Eco-Friendly Swaps At Home And Ranked Them From Good To Great

Having written about eco-friendly swaps for quite some time at BuzzFeed, it's true that I'm probably more willing to try out sustainable habits than your average person might be. However, if I'm being completely honest, some of these sustainable tweaks are much, much better than others.

@golden_freckles / giphy.com

Some of the hacks I've tested over the years are actually helpful to you and/or the planet, but plenty of others ended up being a big waste of time, supplies, and effort.

With that in mind, let's dive into 14 eco-friendly things I've recently tried that were actually amazing — and what I basically wasted money on.

1.Switching to Compostable Sponges

All the talk about rags versus paper towels versus reusable paper towels got me thinking about what else could use an upgrade in the kitchen and upon looking around, I decided that sponges were next. Instead of using whatever brand happened to be cheapest or on sale at the grocery store, I opted to buy a

2.Trying Out Reusable Paper Towels

a cloth paper towel with a leaf print

3.Using Empty Bottles For Plants

plant cuttings in water

4.Switching from Plastic Bags to Silicone Bags

stasher bag with nothing in it

5.Freezing Vegetables Before They Go Bad

vegetables in bags about to be frozen

6.Testing Out Bar Shampoo

hand holding a bar shampoo

7.Using Recycled Wrapping Paper

wrapping paper in sheets

8.Using Eco-Friendly Laundry Pods

laundry pod

9.Switching to Reusable Dryer Sheets

a box of reusable dryer sheets

10.Switching to Bamboo Toilet Paper

two rolls of toilet paper

11.Trying the Cora Ball to Avoid Microplastics

a ball with lots of hoops

12.Upgrading My Metal Straws

drink with a small metal straw

13.Using Biodegradable Garbage Bags

two eco-friendly compostable bags

14.Trying Reusable Facial Masks

forehead wrinkle pad with a case

What eco-friendly swaps are you doing at home? What should I try next? Let me know in the comments.