'I Have Trichotillomania–Here's How Makeup Helped Me Gain Back My Self-Confidence'

Photo credit: Courtesy
Photo credit: Courtesy

From Women's Health

Think about the last time you applied mascara. My guess is that it was a pretty seamless process, excluding those annoying little clumps. That used to be my only problem with applying mascara until I had no eyelashes. Yes, you read that right. Nearly a decade ago, I developed a condition called trichotillomania. You might be wondering, “What is trichotillomania?”

“Trichotillomania, colloquially known as hair pulling disorder, is a debilitating psychiatric condition characterized by repetitive pulling out of one’s hair despite recurrent attempts to decrease or to stop hair pulling,” says board certified psychiatrist, Kristin Gill, MD, a full-time clinical faculty member at NYU Langone Health.

While I struggle with hair pulling from my eyelashes, there are several common spots that people with trichotillomania tend to gravitate towards. “Hair pulling in trichotillomania can be present at any site on the body where hair is located,” says Dr. Gill. “The most common sites of hair pulling are the scalp, the eyebrows, eyelashes and pubic hair.”

One reason I love makeup is because of its ability to boost self-confidence. Makeup has helped to “hide” my insecurity which inherently raises my self-esteem. Over the years, I’ve talked with other women who struggle with this hair-pulling disorder, particularly those who pull from their eyelashes and eyebrows, and they agreed that makeup was one of the only few coping strategies that helped them to feel confident in their own skin.

However, it is important to note that when you’re missing hair, especially around the eyes and eyebrows, you have to take extra precaution when applying makeup and other cosmetic products. “Make sure you are using fragrance-free products and look for those labeled as hypoallergenic,” says, Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. “If you have any open sores, consider skin protecting products like Vaseline petroleum jelly to form a seal over the sore.”

Makeup isn't the end all be all, but it helps.

While makeup can one cope with the physical implications of this condition, the long-term solution stems from professional medical treatment, however treatment is rarely sought out “due to feelings of embarrassment, shame, guilt and worry about how medical professionals will react to these behaviors and lack of knowledge that hair pulling is a recognized medical condition,” says Dr. Gill.

As someone who has struggled with trichotillomania for over a decade, there is no shame in seeking help and asking for support from others. If you’re not ready to take that step, these five makeup tips I've tried that help you feel your best in the skin you’re in.

1. Try Magnetic Eyelashes

Depending on what your goals are in terms of using makeup and trichotillomania, magnetic eyelashes work to create the illusion of natural, long, luscious lashes. “Magnetic eyelashes are made from two strips of false lashes with magnets at the base and they sit on top of and below the lashes like a sandwich,” says Zeichner. “There is no adhesive involved, so long as you don't poke your eye trying to apply them, they are relatively safe.”

If you’re looking for a pair of magnetic lashes to try, I recommend Ardell Magnetic Lash #110. These lashes are long, voluminous and easy to apply. Even better, this set only costs $13.99 making it an affordable first product for faux lash beginners.

Be sure to avoid regular strip lashes you glue on because they can be problematic in many ways. “The adhesives used to attach the lashes can cause irritation or allergies,” says, Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. “If the adhesive gets into the eye it can cause irritation of the eye itself or if one of the lashes pokes the lids or the eye it can lead to inflammation.”

2. Fill In Missing Eyelashes With Eyeliner

Black winged eyeliner is my go-to makeup when I’m on-the-go and is great for filling in missing patches. If you don’t have trichotillomania, you might not know what I’m referring to, but for all the trichsters out there, you know exactly what I’m talking about—the part of the skin where the eyelashes were pulled. I suggest using a water-resistant, felt tip eyeliner and slowly filling in the bare skin to achieve the best results. The result is a fuller looking, more defined lash line.

My favorite eyeliner is KVD Vegan Beauty’s Dagger Tattoo Liquid Eyeliner because it is waterproof and creates an effortless wing with only one swipe. This liner is a bit on the pricey side at $21, but the color payoff and ease of application is well worth it.

3. A Smokey Eye Is Key

Let’s make some lightheartedness out of this situation and say that not having eyelashes is the perfect time to master that smokey eye. Well, it’s true. This is the one tip that has actually helped me the most in my makeup journey. If you have missing eyelashes, the last thing you probably want is to have a bright eyeshadow (yellow, aqua, violet) that highlights the missing hair. Instead, try wearing darker colors such as black, blue, and gray. This way your eyeliner will blend into the eyeshadow and create a uniformed look that makes it difficult to see the missing hair. I recommend Tarte’s Tartelette™ Amazonian Clay Matte Eyeshadow Palette because of its wide range of warm and dark tones perfect for creating a deep, sultry smokey eye.

When it comes to taking off your eye makeup, that is just as important as applying it. “Over-rubbing the skin when taking off makeup can lead to irritation and inflammation of the skin,” says Zeichner. “Inflammation creates an environment that interferes with optimal functioning of the hair follicles. This means that it is hard for hairs to regrow after it has been removed if there is trauma.” I’ve found Neutrogena’s Ultra-Soft Makeup Remover Wipes to be super helpful for removing the dark shadows and are eye sensitive making them perfect for those with trichotillomania.

4. Highlight Other Areas Of Your Face

Maybe you just want to leave your eyes alone. Trust me, I’ve been there. Sometimes the last thing I want to do is put on eyeliner and eyeshadow, so I understand the struggle. While your eyes might be considered the focal point of the face, you can always highlight other features. My all-time favorite is a bold lip. Now is the perfect time to try out the bold red or bright orange lipstick you’ve been eyeing at Sephora. While the color might be a bit out of your comfort zone, it’ll detract attention from your eyes and direct it to your lips instead.

5. Eyelash Growth Serum

This may not be a makeup hack, but it is nonetheless important when it comes to growing your eyelashes back. According to Dr. Zeichner, “many eyelash serums contain peptides that enhance activity of the hair follicles themselves. They also help hydrate and condition the lashes to make them appear plumper and fuller.”

I’ve personally tried a handful of them and found that they definitely help my lashes grow back quicker. I can’t really attest to length, but if you want to speed up the process, you may want to give eyelash growth serum a whirl. For beginners, I recommend RevitaLash’s Advanced Eyelash Conditioner because it is super lightweight and easy to apply.

While it is uncommon, Dr. Zeichner tells Women’s Health that eyelash enhancing serums “may contain ingredients that can cause darkening of the eyelids.” Make sure to keep an eye out (no pun intended) and report to your doctor if any discomfort occurs.

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