TREW Gear Shakes Up The Ski Movie Formula With Unique Film Tour

Earlier this week, on August 21st, TREW Gear -- a ski outerwear brand -- announced the launch of its first North American movie tour: TREW To You.

The concept is unique: last season, TREW selected ten teams of skiers and snowboarders, tasking them with the not-insignificant challenge of producing a short snowsports film that, in part, addresses the question, "What does staying TREW mean to you?"

For the upcoming tour, TREW combined these ten shorts into a longer-form movie, which will be shown at ten locations across North America this fall.

Participation in TREW To You was application-based and began last fall, with TREW seeking two to five-person teams composed of skiers, snowboarders, and filmers.

The selections were made with the following criteria in mind: artfulness of approach, creativity, individuality, and quality of past projects.

TREW explained the benefit of this crowd-sourced ski movie approach in an August 21st press release, writing, "Unlike other ski and snowboarding flicks that consist of professional athletes that are already well known in the industry, the TREW To You film provides an opportunity for anyone to be included."

<p>Courtesy: TREW Gear</p>

Courtesy: TREW Gear

With the teams locked in last winter, TREW supplied them $1000 each to grease the wheels and shipped over a bevy of TREW outerwear kits, alongside some other goodies.

Then, they were given six weeks to shoot their films and four weeks to edit, which, for those unaware, is a tight timeframe for a ski movie, no matter how long.

A blurb explaining the rules of the movie tour on TREW's website reads, "One of the aspects that makes this project so interesting is the element of a finite filming/editing timeframe."

<p>Courtesy: TREW Gear</p>

Courtesy: TREW Gear

Did I mention that this whole thing is a competition, too? No?

Well, it is.

TREW encourages viewers to vote on their favorite short after viewing -- the team with the most votes will earn a $10,000 cash prize. The shorts will be uploaded online -- likely in early December -- to facilitate voting for those unable to attend a live viewing.

The TREW To You Tour kicks off on September 21st in Salt Lake City, Utah. To scope dates and RVSP for a screening, click here.

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