Zodiac Signs as Trees—Which One Guides Your Spirit?

Despite the many ups and downs of life, one thing we can always rely on are trees. They’re always there, lining our streets with their swaying leaves, livening up the air and switching up the color scheme. No matter how unpredictable this world may seem, trees remain steadfastly beautiful. If you’re wondering which tree guides your zodiac sign the most, you’re ready to discover just how much you have in common with these ancient and mystical beings.

Even though trees do not speak our human language, they seem to communicate with us all the same. And when you take time to disconnect from your phone and immerse yourself in nature, the most strongly their presence can be felt. You feel it in the creaks of their branches and the rustling of their leaves in the wind. You feel it when you find the perfect trunk to sit on. You sense it in the jagged texture of its bark beneath your hands and the way you trip over its roots when you’re not paying attention. You feel it when it’s time to go home, and yet, you don’t want to leave, because this tree has already begun to feel like your friend.

If you’re already daydreaming of the forest, here’s the tree that captures the archetypical meaning of each zodiac sign. And if I were you, I would look to your sun sign, moon sign and/or rising sign:

The Tree That Captures Each Zodiac Sign

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Aries: You’re the Sequoia Tree

Aries: You’re the Sequoia Tree
Aries: You’re the Sequoia Tree

An Aries often prides themself in their strength, valor and fortitude. Although the sequoia tree may seem peaceful and serene from afar, you don’t survive more than 3,000 years without being a warrior at heart. Fire sign Aries understands this tree’s persistent need to survive, as the sequoia’s soft and spongy bark continues to protect them against forest fires. However, this tree has also evolved to depend on forest fires, as their pinecones require it to release their seeds. Plus, it also clears away the rest of the flora and fauna competing for space, making fire the sequoia’s favorite ally.

Taurus: You’re the Cherry Tree

Taurus: You’re the Cherry Tree
Taurus: You’re the Cherry Tree

Few trees can surpass the cherry tree in terms of style, beauty and sensuality. And if any zodiac sign is going to appreciate that the most, it would be Venus-ruled Taurus. This tree blossoms in the thick of spring, when the perfect balance of rain and shine give way to branches covered in pink. In Japan, where the sakura tree reigns supreme, this tree is associated with rebirth and renewal; of fully immersing yourself in the present moment and indulging in the transient pleasures of life. What could be more Taurus than that?

Gemini: You’re the Birch Tree

Gemini: You’re the Birch Tree
Gemini: You’re the Birch Tree

When you stumble upon a community of silver birch trees, you can’t help but feel curious and whimsical. With so many of those large eyes staring back at you from their trunks, you feel as though you just walked in on a private conversation between friends, which is exactly the Gemini vibe. This zodiac sign knows how to come back from the darkest depths and adapt to challenging situations, which is represented in the way birch trees are first to grow from the charred remains of a forest fire. This tree is also the center of Beltane, as the famous May Pole is always created from the wood of the birch. What Gemini doesn’t love to be invited to a party?

Cancer: You’re the Weeping Willow

Cancer: You’re the Weeping Willow
Cancer: You’re the Weeping Willow

With its long, drooping branches that seem to hug and caress you, the weeping willow could be none other than a maternal Cancer. This emotional tree goes with the flow, changing its form as it moves in the wind, and every Cancer understands that level of nuance, complexity and sensitivity. Besides the fact that this tree often grows near water, where it can droop into ponds with its delicate leaves, this tree makes you want to stop and feel your feelings, which is a very Cancerian sentiment. This is a water sign, after all.

Leo: You’re the Palm Tree

Leo: You’re the Palm Tree
Leo: You’re the Palm Tree

Leo is the zodiac sign of creativity, flamboyance and artistry. That’s one reason why the palm tree everyone has come to associate with Hollywood glamour would have to be a Leo. However, the palm tree is so much more spiritual than you might think. Since Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, the palm frond has been a symbol of victory and eternal life, which aligns with Leo’s vibrant and lively energy to a T. After all, this zodiac sign is ruled by the sun, which is also the giver of life, and the palm tree thrives where the sun shines brightest.

Virgo: You’re the Oak Tree

Virgo: You’re the Oak Tree
Virgo: You’re the Oak Tree

When you think of a tree, the oak tree is likely the first thing that comes to mind. And because Virgo is the grounded and practical earth sign associated with “purity”, it is best represented by this wise giant. After all, the oak is the purest expression of the tree. This impressive tree can grow as tall as 100 feet and live as long as 1,000 years, which is why its prowess has inspired human beings since ancient times. And despite its status as “King of the Forest,” this Virgoan tree still wants to help others, which is why you often see them involved in a symbiotic relationship with the Spanish moss that is always draped along its branches.

Libra: You’re the Maple Tree

Libra: You’re the Maple Tree
Libra: You’re the Maple Tree

Libra is ruled by Venus—planet of beauty and allure—which is why it deserves nothing less than a tree as gorgeous as the maple. With its array of reds, oranges and yellows, each maple is like its own autumn paint swatch. Beyond the obvious poetry of the maple, its spiritual influence runs deep. This tree encourages us to find strength in our darkness and to fight against evil with its protective influence. Because Libra is the zodiac sign of Justice, it often has to balance the scales by taking matters into its own hands and protecting those who are vulnerable. The maple’s beauty combined with its authority makes it a perfect match for a Libra.

Scorpio: You’re the Joshua Tree

Scorpio: You’re the Joshua Tree
Scorpio: You’re the Joshua Tree

Scorpio is infamous for being one of the most transformative, introspective and psychedelic zodiac signs of them all. And who doesn’t take a road trip to Joshua Tree, California and come back a changed person? This tree was made for activating spiritual experiences and raising your vibration. And although Scorpio may be a water sign, it is symbolically connected to the scorpion; an animal that thrives in the absence of water. Scorpio’s true power lies in its ability to withstand extremes and harness its own desire, even when it becomes as desperate as the desert thirst.

Sagittarius: You’re the Eucalyptus Tree

Sagittarius: You’re the Eucalyptus Tree
Sagittarius: You’re the Eucalyptus Tree

In Greek, the word “eucalyptus” literally translates to “well-concealed,” making it the perfect pairing for a Sagittarius. This mutable fire sign is known for its chameleon soul that changes form depending on its mood. Like the eucalyptus, you discover a new color as you peel away each of their beautiful layers, because the Sagittarius could never be just “one” thing. This open-hearted and open-minded zodiac sign is all about overcoming your stubborn perspective and being more optimistic, just as the cleansing smell of eucalyptus always clears away the negativity in the room.

Capricorn: You’re the Redwood Tree

Capricorn: You’re the Redwood Tree
Capricorn: You’re the Redwood Tree

Capricorn is the zodiac sign of history, longevity and tradition. Not only do redwood trees inspire awe among those who are lucky enough to witness them, but they care about legacy just as much Capricorns do. These trees can live to be thousands of years old, reaching heights as tall as 300 feet, but that’s not the only reason these trees are the protectors of the natural world. According to University of California, Davis, the redwood genome is nearly nine times larger than the human genome, making this tree much more experienced and intelligent than we could ever possibly imagine. Like the redwood tree, Capricorns are adept at preserving history as well as overcoming all odds.

Aquarius: You’re the Olive Tree

Aquarius: You’re the Olive Tree
Aquarius: You’re the Olive Tree

There’s a reason everyone says they’re ready to “extend the olive branch” when they’re no longer interested in holding a grudge against you anymore. After all, the olive tree has symbolized peace, forgiveness and friendship since ancient times. Greek mythology says Zeus gave Athena control over Athens in return for her creation of the olive tree, which left us with an abundance of fruit, oil and leaves. This is the tree that always takes care of us, making sure we have plenty to share and nothing to fight over. If you’re an Aquarius, you know you value harmony, community and friendship above all.

Pisces: You’re the Banyan Tree

Pisces: You’re the Banyan Tree
Pisces: You’re the Banyan Tree

Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, representing the end of our life cycle and the transition into the afterlife. However, despite these beginnings and endings, the spirit endures. The legendary banyan tree protects this sentiment, as its symbolic connection to immortality and wisdom makes it the perfect counterpart for a Pisces. After all, it is said that Buddha found enlightenment after sitting beneath this tree for seven days and battled nightmare after nightmare until he woke up with a great spiritual awakening. Spending time with a Pisces and immersing yourself in their world tends to have a similarly eye-opening effect.