New Treatment Gives Men Greater Girth?

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Almost half of men are worried about being big enough “down there” -- can a new procedure help them achieve the size they want?

One study has found that 45% of men think their organ is too small. A new procedure, Autologous Liposite Micronized Injection (ALMI), involves injecting a man’s own stem and fat cells into his manhood, making it thicker.

Watch: Size "Down There"?

ER Physician Dr. Travis Stork warns that structures down there are complex and dangerous to mess with, but ALMI injections are done under the skin, away from the functional parts of the organ.

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon says this is an amazing improvement over older procedures. “Back in the day, when fat transfer was less refined, I saw some weird-looking penises!” he says. ALMI produces much more natural-looking results.

ALMI may be helpful for men suffering from micropenis, who are just an inch or two inches long when erect. But most men who think they are too small "down there" are actually perfectly normal. The average manhood is 5.1 to 5.6 inches long.

Watch: Male Enlargement Injection Leads to Death?

Psychotherapist Dr. Mike Dow worries that this procedure might appeal to men with body dysmorphic disorder, who need emotional help rather than enlargement. And if many men start to get this, will it lead to a private-parts arms race, as “normal” starts to seem “smaller than everyone else”?

Dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra points out that 85% of women are satisfied with their partner’s equipment. Most men don’t need this procedure.