Travelista Courtney Lanctot Shares Her Go-To Outdoor Adventure Picks

outdoor hammocking
outdoor hammocking
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Courtney Lanctot, the content creator behind The Unpopular Black, inspires Black people to get outside and explore wide open spaces across the nation with her platform. Her outdoor adventures have taken her from paddleboarding the Colorado River to witnessing the Aurora Borealis in the Alaskan sky.

When planning her escapades, Lanctot is intentional about mixing thrilling, heart-pumping activities with relaxing outdoor experiences.

“We mostly associate adventuring the outdoors as action-oriented activities when really we can go outside and just rest,” she explains. “Through The Unpopular Black, I encourage both relaxing activities as much as sweat-inducing, because we need both in order to sustain a healthy mind, body and spirit while we connect in nature.”

Her favorite things to do outside include “horse things with friends new and old,” “hammocking, preferably in the middle of nowhere in nature” and “hot springs hopping.”

Enjoying Horse Activities

Similar to being outdoors, spending time with animals has positive effects on mental health. Combining the two, ensures travelers will have a fun outdoor adventure that can reduce anxiety and stress. This might include horseback riding in various terrains or learning to care for horses.

These activities offer recreational and therapeutic benefits, allowing individuals to connect with these majestic creatures while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Horse riding also can provide a sense of accomplishment and confidence, especially for people who overcome initial fears or challenges. Both riding and caring for horses can be a unique and rewarding experience for individuals of all ages and abilities.


Many people find hammocking to be a great way to disconnect from their busy lives and connect with Mother Nature. Hammocks offer a peaceful escape where individuals can unwind, read listen to music or simply enjoy the fresh air.

Hammocking also can be a social activity, allowing friends and family to enjoy each other’s company while still maintaining personal space. The activity is easily accessible and requires minimal equipment. It’s an affordable and sustainable outdoor pastime. No matter how long you choose to “hang around,” hammocking offers a unique way to recline in a serene setting.

Exploring Hot Springs

Relaxing in hot springs is undoubtedly a rejuvenating outdoor adventure that nature offers. Hot springs are geothermal wonders that provide a soothing and therapeutic retreat.

From Wyoming’s magnificent Yellowstone National Park to the scenic Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas, the United States is blessed with a plethora of amazing natural and commercial hot springs, each unique in its own way. Idaho has more soakable hot springs than any other state.

These hot springs offer a range of benefits, including relaxation, stress relief and muscle therapy. The mineral-rich waters can help alleviate various ailments, such as arthritis, muscle pain and skin conditions. The gorgeous, rugged landscapes surrounding the hot springs create a tranquil setting for outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in nature’s beauty.

Whether you’re marinating in a secluded area in the mountains or enjoying a soak at a developed resort, exploring American hot springs offers a therapeutic and unforgettable experience that leaves visitors replenished and connected with the earth’s natural wonders.