The Travel Hack Olivia Munn and the Queen of England Have In Common

Though Olivia Munn is a movie and TV star — recognizable in "Newsroom," "Predator" and a cameo in "Ocean’s 8" — when it comes to traveling she insists she is just like one of us. As in, she also doesn’t look like a celebrity when she gets off a plane. She insists she is nowhere near one of those Pinterest-worthy super organized packers but she does have quite a few impressive hacks up her sleeves. Travel + Leisure caught up with her recently at the opening of Luxury House by #spgamex to celebrate the new Starwood Preferred Guest® American Express Luxury Card to talk about what kind of traveler she is (and the kind she aspires to be).

T +L: Is there something you can absolutely not travel without?

"Yes! A hot water bottle. Just the regular one from the drug store. It is so cold on planes. And if you just have this, in 5 minutes you have boiling hot water. Just fill it up right before you take off and it changes the whole game. It is the best. And super inexpensive."

Related: The One Item the Queen Absolutely Can’t Sleep Without

T+L: What is the best trip you have been on?

"Turks and Caicos with my girlfriends last year. It was amazing. We had this amazing home right on the beach. I had a little window of time between work and I'd never taken a proper girls' trip with all of my girlfriends. We just found this house and I loved it. There is nothing that sounds more luxurious to me then being on a beach with warm ocean water and all of my friends and unlimited food."

T+L: What is one place you are dying to go?


T+L: Do you have a travel uniform?

"No, I wish I did. I need to have more go-to uniforms. I'll be rushing and do something like wear shorts and it's kind of weird to wear shorts on a plane because it's so cold. I always admire celebrities that are decked out when they travel. The other day I landed in LAX and there were paparazzi there and it seems like whenever I come from an event and am in full glam they aren’t around but when I come off the plane like looking sick, they are there."

T+L: Do you have a great packing hack?

"No. These people that put out their blogs about how they pack are amazing. I'm going to get to that. I do make a separate bag with duplicates of all my chargers, international converters and those won't go anywhere else. I used to carry way too many and now it's paired down to exactly what I need and I never take that out of the bag except for in the hotel and then I put it back. And then I have a skincare kit just for when I travel and I replenish that. I make that a special thing with a face mask and my skincare stuff and I'll use that for on the plane as well. And I make a separate bag for my makeup and a whole bag for makeup brushes. I had to do that because things get so messy. And then I have a medicine bag. Those four sit in my travel case and I store them there. When I am going to pack I make sure those are OK and that really helps pair everything down."

T+L: What are the beauty products you use when you travel?

"I use the Lancome hydrogel mask and then the Tatcha setting spray, great for hydrating your face. I use a couple of different lip liners from Shiseido. Lancome also makes this really great rouge lipstick I like to use when I travel. I use a lot of products from L'Oréal. They have a really good eye shadow palette. Liv Lash is also great because I really need to get my eyelashes stronger and thicker.

T+L: Is there a certain brand of luggage you use?

"I am kind of all over the place with my luggage. The case needs to be lightweight. I used to never care and then I landed in London and someone was helping with my baggage and they said, 'It's all mismatched.' I wasn’t insecure and then they made me insecure."

T+L: You’ve been very outspoken on experiences you’ve had as a woman in Hollywood and also speaking up for others. Do you have any advice for other women when it comes to speaking out?

"I think you have to start to weigh what you're protecting. For me I understand these things aren't easy to do but I’m much more afraid of living in a world where I can't speak out or am punished for speaking up. People who are abusing their power do need to be trapped. Not speaking up is a much scarier option."

Note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity