This Travel Company Will Plant Sit While You’re on Vacation

Plant moms and dads know the worry of coming home to dry or dead house plants after an otherwise perfect vacation all too well. After all, there are dozens of services out there for looking after your pets, your kids, and your house in general while you're on vacation — but what about your special fern babies?

Contiki, a company geared towards Millennial travelers, has you and your precious plants covered with its new plant-sitting service, Lonely Planet reported.

Currently, only travelers living in or near London can take advantage of this new service. While it’s unclear when the service may be made available in other cities, Londoners can at least know the peace of mind that their plants are well looked-after.

According to Lonely Planet, customers who want to use this plant sitting service need to check in their plants to the Contiki Basement near Russell Square before they leave. Also, be sure to mention if your plant requires any special care. It’s a little bit like dropping off a pet at a pet spa, in a way.

Donna Jeavons, sales and marketing director for Contiki told the Daily Mail, “We take care of all the essentials on-trip so it was a natural next step to take the pre-trip hassle out of finding a plant sitter!”

Anyone wanting to use this service must be going on a trip longer than 10 days, according to the Daily Mail. The service will also only be available until Aug. 29.

There’s also a height and quantity limit as well, which means some die-hard plant lovers might have to choose which of their leafy friends they’re willing to part with. Each customer can check up to two plants, and each plant must be under one meter (about three feet) tall, according to the Daily Mail.

But even though these rules seem rather limiting, any plants that don’t survive while under Contiki’s care will be replaced with new plants, so you’re almost guaranteed to get your ferns back safe and sound.

Of course, Contiki curbs everyone’s expectations with one disclaimer: “We’re better at holidays than we are at house plants.” Still, it definitely beats hoping your friends or a house-sitter will remember to water them while you’re away (hint: they won’t).

More information about the service can be found on the Contiki website.