Transformation Tuesday with DDP: Woman changes life, survives cancer diagnosis

Diamond Dallas Page has made a living out of helping others.

The World Wrestling Entertainment Hall of Famer has been changing lives for over two decades with his DDPYoga program, a fusion of yoga for men who “wouldn’t be caught dead” doing yoga.

He developed it after he suffered a broken back, and soon realized that his workout regimen couldn't just enhance lives, it could save them.

Since 2004, Page has been seeing his program work miracles. We'll look at this Jersey Shore boy’s most inspirational stories through our Transformation Tuesday feature. All have a story of how DDP YOGA changed, and in many cases, saved their lives.

Candi McCarthy Herndon has one of the most incredible stories.

  • Candi McCarthy Herndon

  • Born: Brooklyn

  • Live: Baltimore

  • Age: 42

  • Highest weight: 270 pounds

  • Lowest weight: 125 pounds

  • Now: 140 pounds (muscle)

Candi McCarthy Herndon felt like a failure.

At 39, she felt ugly, overweight and worthless. That’s what she’d been told for much of her youth. Her mother, a lifelong alcoholic and drug addict, once joked about leaving her alone on the beach (when she was a baby) while she bought drugs from her dealer.

It’s no wonder her self worth was so low, and for much of her adult life she kind of just expected bad things to happen to her. Because to McCarthy Herndon, they always kind of did.

Candi McCarthy Herndon before and after doing DDP Yoga.
Candi McCarthy Herndon before and after doing DDP Yoga.

She was morbidly obese, and she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease — a somewhat rare autoimmune disorder that according to her doctor, would make it extremely difficult to lose weight.

Over the years, McCarthy Herndon had learned enough to limit her interaction with her mom, because it only made her feel worse about her life. So when she began getting calls from her every day, she stopped answering.

Then one day she received a call from a police officer, telling her that her mother passed away, apparently by suicide.

Even though it wasn’t a shocker, it hit her hard.  She felt guilty she didn’t pick up the phone, and she fell into a deeper depression. Then she encountered more bad news.

Candi McCarthy Herndon and Diamond Dallas Page have become friends.
Candi McCarthy Herndon and Diamond Dallas Page have become friends.

“I had a lump growing in my breast for a year, I didn’t care,” she said. “I didn’t want to wake up and it pains to say it, but I felt like my husband would be better off. It went from the size of a grape to a lemon in a few months. I thought ‘maybe I need to deal with it.’ If it spreads, there is a 20 percent chance you’re going to die. That was the kick in the ass that I want to live.”

The reaction she had to facing her own mortality kind of surprised her … she looked at her husband and her life, and had an epiphany.

She wanted to live.

While normally she may have given up hope, she was lucky enough to beat the cancer.

“Lucky” wasn’t anything she was ever used to in life, so maybe it was a sign of things to come.

Candi McCarthy Herndon has some extra room in her clothing since losing weight.
Candi McCarthy Herndon has some extra room in her clothing since losing weight.

She was collecting unemployment, still recovering from six weeks of radiation and was in constant pain, barely able to walk, but was unable to go to physical therapy because the world was shut down due to the pandemic

With the exception of her husband Billy, she didn’t have much on her life that she could depend on.

Including herself.

“My confidence was in the gutter,” McCarthy Herndon said. “It was the lowest point of my life. I had given up a long time ago, I have an autoimmune disease that makes you have to eat very little to lose weight. I’m an emotional eater and nothing worked.

“I thought about getting bariatric surgery, but I wasn’t over 300 pounds. I needed to gain like 20 pounds, but I didn’t want to gain weight, I wanted to lose it. I just gave up.”

Then she turned to DDP YOGA.

Diamond Dallas Page, Candi McCarthy Herndon and Jake "The Snake" Roberts take time out from working out.
Diamond Dallas Page, Candi McCarthy Herndon and Jake "The Snake" Roberts take time out from working out.

She had been a lifelong Pro Wrestling fan and knew who Diamond Dallas Page was.

She had seen the success stories and she needed something to push her to get better. She needed motivation. She found that after pushing a button.

“I started up the app, I watched the guide, and I cried my eyes out,” it sounds like he’s talking to me but I can’t believe in myself. I think it was the moment where you have to be ready to make the change. I couldn’t kneel down, I couldn’t bend over, my knees are bone on bone, they’re shot. No hope. And I said I’m going to start.”

She did start, and it was hard at first.

Really hard.

But every day she put in the work, little by little she started feeling less like a victim of circumstance, and more in control of what her life could be.  Even though her doctor told her she would have a hard time losing weight, she lost over 15 pounds her first month, and that pushed her to believe even more that she could own her life.

In the end, McCarthy Herndon lost 82 pounds and found a new confidence in herself that she never had before.

She had entered DDP YOGA’s Positively Unstoppable Challenge and never thought she had a chance to win.  She had done so well that Page himself wanted to interview her about her journey.

“I gotta tell you Candi, you are the winner, the Positively Unstoppable Grand Champion,” DDP congratulated her.  But the most important words he spoke next, “You’re no longer a victim.”

He was right.

McCarthy Herndon would no longer worry about bad luck, because she knew she was in control no matter what happens.

Candi McCarthy Herndon was the 2020 DDP Yoga Positively Unstoppable Grand Champion.
Candi McCarthy Herndon was the 2020 DDP Yoga Positively Unstoppable Grand Champion.

She was no longer one of DDP’s customers, she was his friend. She even had a world championship title belt that she won in the contest.

But the obstacles she would overcome didn’t end there.

She suffered what she thought was a sinus infection. It got worse and worse, and despite getting checked out, doctors said it was a phantom pain.

There was a time when Candi McCarthy Herndon couldn't walk around without a struggle. Look at her now.
There was a time when Candi McCarthy Herndon couldn't walk around without a struggle. Look at her now.

While she was home struggling with the pain, she got a call to rush to the emergency room.

“Nobody is telling me anything, I’m there and they’re telling me they’re putting me in the stroke unit,” McCarthy Herndon said. “My phone rings and it’s Dallas. They’re asking me all these questions. I answer because it’s Dallas and he said ‘Candi, what’s going on now?’ I’m like 'all I know is I have an aneurysm, in a lot of pain and they’re scaring me, but you know what, I’m going to be OK.' He laughed like, ‘that’s my girl.’”

DDP was there for her every step of the way.

“One of his sayings is, ‘Never underestimate the power you give someone by believing in them. More importantly, never underestimate the power you give yourself, by believing in you.’ Thanks to DDPY, I have a new found confidence and community. It prepared me for this next chapter.

“The doctors pretty much gave me three choices and none of them were good. I ended up having a procedure where they said it was 50-50 that I would live. One of the options was to do nothing and see what happened. Before, that might have been what I would have done. But I had confidence.”

Candi McCarthy Herndon credits DDP Yoga with giving her life back.
Candi McCarthy Herndon credits DDP Yoga with giving her life back.

She made it through the surgery, and is now feeling better than ever.

Candi practices DDPY everyday. "It works if you do," she says. It's a "lifestyle."

“DDPY is not something I would recommend had it not saved my life,” McCarthy Herndon said. “When I was getting my surgery, I could hear DDP’s voice saying ‘you’re not down for the count.’ He was there for me, the person. Dallas is an amazing person.

“But it is not just DDP, it's the DDPY community, that’s what makes this so special. There are people like me, who are now helping others just starting their DDPY fitness journey. In our FB Group community, we have close to 80,000 people cheering each other on.”

▶▶ Transformation Tuesday with DDP: The power of community helped one, inspired millions

It all began with Page’s program.

It doesn’t change lives, it saves them.

“It revolutionized my life,” she said. “It’s outside the box, it’s not a fitness program. It’s not. It is a life-changing program and it will change how you do everything.

“I want him to know that what he created for himself has changed the lives of thousands. It’s amazing that he created DDPY to rehabilitate himself. Now he’s changing people’s lives that he never even met. It’s incredible to me. Mindblowing the ripple effect.

“I’m an ambassador for DDPY because I’m showing the possibilities. I dream of doing pull-ups one day. I want to be Sarah Connor in Terminator 2, doing crazy handstands and nipups. I never dreamed I could do this.

“DDPY got fear out of my mind. Your body can do a lot. I had no confidence. Four years ago I could barely walk. Today, I can jog. My body can do things that are unreal. That’s what DDPY did for me.”

This article originally appeared on Asbury Park Press: DDP Yoga: Candi McCarthy Herndon's journey to grand champion