A New Trailer for 'The Batman' Hints at a Major Riddler Fan Theory

Photo credit: Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Warner Bros.
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The Batman spoilers follow.

The newest trailer for The Batman is centered around Zoë Kravitz's Selina Kyle and hints at a huge fan theory involving Paul Dano's Riddler.

Subtitled 'The Bat and The Cat', this extended clip delves into the very complex dynamic between Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) and Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz) — as well as their alter-egos Batman and Catwoman.

"The Bat and The Cat, it's got a nice ring," Catwoman jokes during a tussle with The Dark Knight.

Photo credit: Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Warner Bros.

Catwoman also points to a huge fan theory for the film over how The Riddler's (Paul Dano) crime spree through Gotham City could relate directly to Batman.

"The Riddler's latest, it's all about the Waynes," Selina explains. "If we don't stand up, no-one will."

Sure enough, The Riddler makes it crystal clear later in the footage that Batman "is a part" of his plans for Gotham, along with a huge hint that he even knows the Caped Crusader really is Bruce Wayne.

The Riddler's plot seemingly leads Bruce down a journey into his own family's roots in Gotham that will leave him with some harsh questions for butler Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis).

Photo credit: Warner Bros.
Photo credit: Warner Bros.

Whatever The Riddler's end-game may be, he seems to wreak pure havoc all over Gotham as Batman has to fight off goons on skyscrapers, swim through a flood and keep one step ahead of Catwoman the whole way.

If it strikes you that The Batman is setting up an awfully ambitious universe for a debut film in a franchise, this may be because Pattinson has already shared his hope of starring in two sequels.

Director Matt Reeves has also confirmed that The Batman will be completely separate from the Worlds of DC Multiverse, so he won't be burdened with any continuity from other movies.

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