"Trademarking regular letters is just stupid": The Rockstar Games logo dispute is bemusing gamers

 Remedy logo and Rockstar logo.
Remedy logo and Rockstar logo.

We've seen all manner of logo related design disputes in recent months, from weirdly similar coffee logos to Kanye vs Walmart. Now, two video game titans are going head to head over the letter 'R' – which, in this case, might as well stand for ridiculous.

Remedy, the developer behind Max Payne and Alan Wake, debuted a new logo last year to much acclaim from gamers. Featuring three 'R's chopped together, it conveys a sense of forward motion. But it seems Rockstar (of Grand Theft Auto fame) is trying to block the momentum.

Remedy logo and Rockstar logo
Remedy logo and Rockstar logo

Take-Two, which owns Rockstar, has filed a trademark dispute against Remedy, claiming that the 'R' is too similar to Rockstar's – which features an 'R' with a white star attached. Other than the fact that both involve a capitalised 'R' (because, you know, that's what their names start with), the similarities seem pretty non-existent. So it's no surprise that Twitter (sorry, X) users are already speculating that Rockstar doesn't stand a chance here.

We have to say we're with the gamers on this one. Aside from featuring the same letter of the alphabet, these are entirely different logos. But one thing's for sure – with Rockstar and Remedy working together on remastered editions of the original Max Payne games right now, this whole thing is probably making for some awkward Zoom meetings.