"Tour De Yeah Nah" Releases Official Highlights

In 2021, Canadian Freerider Yoann Barelli started the famous Tour de Gnar, a one-day event where Barelli and other local shredders ride a collection of the gnarliest features in Barelli’s home region of coastal BC.

This year, in a tribute to the original event, New Zealand shredder Reece Potter ran his own version in Queenstown, called the Tour De Yeah Nah with the stipulation that the participating riders had to build every feature. Watch the compilation video of the Tour below.

In this video, Potter and his friends tackled some gnarly features around Queenstown, New Zealand. Unlike the Canadian Tour, which showed riders hitting existing features, Potter’s event called for riders to build their own features in the two months before the ride.

This meant that many of the features were loose and dusty, because they were so fresh. Most of these chutes and drops featured petrifying small dusty catch berms that the riders nuked into.

Though the Tour was a friendly event, if a winner had to be declared it would have to be Jim Monro.

Monro was the builder and sole rider of “Jim’s Impossible Chute,” a near-vertical dusty chute with a double drop and a painfully small catch berm. See more angles of the incredible send from Monro's instagram below.

It is cool to see events like the Tour De Yeah Nah popping up. Freeride is very much alive and well, and organizers like Barelli and Potter are at the forefront of keeping it relevant.

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