You Can Totally Reset Your Health In Just 7 Days—No Matter Where You're Starting From

Photo credit: CHRISTY LUNDY
Photo credit: CHRISTY LUNDY

From Women's Health

Bet you don’t have May 12 to 18 marked on your calendar. Why you should: It’s National Women’s Health Week (NWHW).

FYI, Women's Health Week starts on Mother's Day every year-and focuses on reminding women to carve out the "me time" they need to eat healthy, practice self-care, and make those yearly doctor's appointments that are so important not to forget.

So, yep, now's the perfect time to kick your wellness up a notch with our totally doable daily challenges. By week’s end you’ll feel amazing, head to toe.

Here's a quick overview:

Monday: You'll focus on getting your workouts on-point by ramping up your motivation with a few easy tricks. (Check out our summer workout challenge for even more motivation!)

Tuesday: When was the last time you did a breast self-exam? How about a skin check? Time to catch up on these simple tests that could save your life.

Wednesday: It's time to rethink the way you're connecting with others. Hint: Scrolling through IG isn't the only way your phone can make you feel like part of a community.

Thursday: Time for happy hour! But are you drinking smart? Take a few minutes to assess your boozing habits-your body will thank you for it.

Friday: It might be time to rethink your birth control plan. If your current method isn't working for you, there are plenty of other options to consider.

On that note-how bad is it to leave a tampon in too long? Here's the deal:

Saturday: Now's the best time to get your meal-prep game on point-in a way that's totally painless (swear!).

Sunday: Banish your Sunday scaries by using a few simple strategies to prepare for the week ahead.

This article originally appeared in the May 2019 issue of Women's Health. For more intel on how to lead a healthier, happier life, pick up an issue on newsstands now.

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